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Looking for mounting suggestions for Rover/Emerald ECU


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My car originally had the Rover ECU mounted on 3 legs which went into rivnuts in the ali scuttle. I still use the Rover ECU and cat to get through MOTs, but then switch to the Emerald which I used to mount vertically on the bulkhead.


I'm keen to keep the engine bay looking tidier and wondered if anyone has mounted their ECUs anywhere else (I've also changed the ali scuttle and bulkhead to carbon fibre, so it's more difficult to mount things using rivnuts).


Has anyone used an alternative mounting technique to the 3 ali legs method, or found somewhere a better position to it?


The inside top end of the passenger footwell looks possible (since it's almost the same location it wouldn't need much rerouting of the loom) and is nicely protected, but I think it'll be cramped for any passengers I carry.




Darren E


Website and Emerald maps library


Superlight R #54



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Just a thought, you could just lean off the fuel for the MOT speed sites 2000 - 3500, I think, and have your Cat Exhaust cut to fit your current pipes, no need to worry about noise 'cos it's not part of the MOT.


30mins to download MOT map and fit temp exhaust and take off after MOT.


That's what I dis last year and passed the emmisions with flying colours, hopefully do the same tomorrow 😬


Paul M

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Why not get the £30 Emerald upgrade so you can have 3 maps stored in the same ECU with a dashboard switch .. then you don't need to swap ECUs or download a different map 🤔


As to answering the original question - what I have done to fix my Emerald is to cut and drill a piece of flat stainless steel (kindly sourced by Ernie Panks) to create a flat sheet the same size as the Rover MEMS which I have then bolted down onto the MEMS legs. The Emerald (or the MBE as I currently am running) is then fixed to that plate using it's own brackets ... the MFRU is still sited underneath the plate.

It looks fine and also provides somewhere to fix the dry sump catch tank to as well *thumbup*


Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬

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Many thanks guys *thumbup*


Sounds like under the dash might be a good mounting place (if it's not too much trouble dannylt, could i take you up on the offer of some pics, when you get a chance?), but failing that, I'll go Nifty's route.


..which leads to.. The Emerald upgrade - I didn't know there was a selectable multiple-map option 🥰 That sounds brilliant (especially for the MOT) Do I need to send my M3DK off to get it done or can I ring up to pay and then downloadable it? That sounds very worthwhile and I can do as Paul suggests with the exhaust, keeping the Emerald with 2 maps in it.


Hooray! *cool*


Darren E


Website and Emerald maps library


Superlight R #54



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As I understand it from Carl at Emerald he needs to make a hardware modification and update the firmware (if that's the right term) which obviously needs him to have the box.



Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬

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Ah, good point Mav *thumbup*


I remember Dave looking at my box and making some remark along the lines of "Ah, that's OK then" and putting it back down before mentioning the upgrade to me.





In defence of my mounting solution, the reason I chose this route was because I didn't want to make extensive modifications to the loom, and I can't see how you're going to get my loom the other side of the scuttle without some serious cut and paste operation. Secondly, so the computer terminal is very easy to attach to. Thirdly, so I could put a vertical bracket on it to fix the catch tank (I have a heater and the remains of a charcoal canister mount impeding the front of the footwell option).

Fourthly, it was simple and quick and actually looks quite good, though a good mirror finish polish might improve it *thumbup*



Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬

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Thanks Nifty/Mav *thumbup*


🙆🏻 that it has to go back to Emerald but seeing as it's not going back in the car for a week, perhaps now would be a judicious time to get it done. I'll check the S/N and give Emerald a call to see if mine's one of the lucky ones. It's only about 3-4 yrs old so fingers X'd it should be okay.


Edited to add, it looks as though the K3 upgrade is possible for ECUs from serial number 41272 upwards


Darren E


Website and Emerald maps library


Superlight R #54




Edited by - k80rum on 4 Aug 2007 10:24:19

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and the remains of a charcoal canister mount impeding the front of the footwell option

The charcoal canister mount is only pop riveted on ( on my 1994 car). Easy to remove when the engine is out. Not imposible with the engine in using a right angle drill.

what I have done to fix my Emerald is to cut and drill a piece of flat stainless steel (kindly sourced by Ernie Panks) to create a flat sheet the same size as the Rover MEMS which I have then bolted down onto the MEMS legs. The Emerald (or the MBE as I currently am running) is then fixed to that plate using it's own brackets ... the MFRU is still sited underneath the plate.
Did that a few years ago with a sheet of aluminium, much lighter. The MFU is then fastened to the underneath of this keeping it of the scuttle & out of any potential water.


Edited by - Mick Day on 4 Aug 2007 10:41:51

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I know Mick, but I have my moments of it being precious and since it cost be rather a substantial amount of money to have the chassis repowdercoated a year or two back I'm loathed to then remove the bracket and expose the untreated metalwork. I know I could chuck some Hammerite on it but I just don't want to.


I actually have intentions of finding or manufacturing a catch tank that will fit the bracket with a drain plug in the bottom but it is not at the top of my list of priorities at present.


Am I being anal 🤔


Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬

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Ah, you edited to add the second comment when I was writing my post above.


Reference the plate .. I used s/s because I had an approrpiate sized piece to hand and I didn't have any aluminium.

It may very well be replaced by an ali version in the future *thumbup*


Good idea with the MFRU *thumbup* *thumbup*

I may well follow that thought when I finally fit the Emerald (currently still on the MBE which came with the engine).


Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬

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