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Where is Delbert ?


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Well I had an exciting day yesterday



I took a Train , an Underground thingy (nearly) and an Omnibus


I was most distressed on the train, I carefully selected my carriage for my journey,

A rather nice one , all clean and near the kitchen so my Poached and toast could be served hot.


So ther I was calmly positioned on the Port side and others kept trying to enter MY carriadge.

Well as you can imagine I was not having any of this and the fortitude that my fourbears should in India came and showed itself.


I think in the modern vernakular "I left them lieing there"


Well I decided to forgoe the Underground , it looked terribly socila and mixing with the great unwashed is something I should be paid to do not have to pay for the privaledge.


So I hailed a Hackney Carriadge across to Paddington.


Twas slightly more fortunate this time and obviously the underclass of London travelling to Oxford realised that I had , infact , booked a carriage not just a seat.


Decided to slum it in first and sat on the Starbored side so I could see nore of the Thames where my Great Uncle Jerome had once spent a few weeks rowing with some chums.

Then I arrived in the University Town that had sent me home after only one term after a rather splendid wheeze involving the bursar , the Ississ and a SHeep.


Now I had braced myself for the next stage of my journey, I knew I had to get on an Omnibus.(The Hackney fee to WItney being extortshoneate)

So one of the vehicles passed and 15 minutes later another one passed , Nobody told me I had to wave at the driver to make him feel loved or something *. So I availed my self of some strenghthening EG and a Pain of Choc and proceeded to WItney.

No wonder nobody takes these contraptions they are so slow. But in true form I have analkised the problem . If they ceased this practice of stopping all the time and just went to certian stops that the clients wanted they would get there quicker


Any way picked up Lill and after a 5 hr trip to WItney I got home in 2 So Pubic transport is the future my right brogue


Car made it with very few glitches even managed to put up the stow away roof at Grantham when it looked like the heavens were about to produce


Trust that answers your enquiry 😬












* Probababaly the truest part of the tale.... 45mins to get a pigging bus as I thought the Train Staion was a major stop, Can however recc the crouisont shoppe


If at first you don't suceed Skydiving is not for you


Edited by - Delbert on 22 Jul 2007 13:01:25

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Found the location and if the light holds I'm off there later


Currently wondering where a loose bit of wire goes that is purposely pointing at the alternator from the loom but there are no connectors and all is working *confused*


If at first you don't suceed Skydiving is not for you

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Thats wot I was thinking, reminsant of the caterham loom and its "spares "


The car was orig 12v neg earth, so the volt meter would be the kiddy, did it have one I ponder, or was it an option


If at first you don't suceed Skydiving is not for you

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It was on the cusp so to speak, but that would explain things

Its certainly neg earth now though


I'll be chatting to Oselli in the AM as a few of the jobs they said they would do wern't so to speak.



If at first you don't suceed Skydiving is not for you

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