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Is it possible to 'blatwhack'...


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the search on sheds ... I guess with so many of Delb's smelling pisstakes on here its difficult to find something to catch the search out on *tongue* .... but I've been trying loads recently and I thought I was onto a winner with 'carbolic acid' or 'klaxon' ... yet the search still turned up topics!!!???


Any ideas what might catch it out??



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I tried some fairly wild things like antidisestablismentarianism, but even found that in a sheds post. However, I as I write, I have half an eye on the TV and the delectable James Martin, so I tried a few food-related searches and came up with a few.


Then it occurred to me that if I TOLD you all what it was, it wouldn't be a blatwhack any more, so I'll just have to keep it secret, won't I. 😬


Or we can all stuff Windycat's blatmail box with our suggestions.




A Woman's Place is - in her Se7en


Edited by - Barbarella on 23 Jun 2007 11:08:36

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One day I'll tell you the story of a 20 yr old Delbert and a slightly shady "art" movie *eek*



Whilst not illegal and no nudity was involved it is unlikely ever to see a screening on Film 86.


Brought a whole new Genre Forget straight to video .... Straight to dustbin!!!


If at first you don't suceed Skydiving is not for you

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