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Old tyres?


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I took my 1600 Vx car to a sprint at Lydden yesterday - first time out this year.


The car seemed to be sliding about a lot more than last year, and whilst this was huge fun (until I overdid it and spoiled my last run) it was reflected in some pretty poor times - even slower than I went round Lydden last year.


Occurred to me that they tyres are the ones fitted by the previous owner, and are in their 3rd season. They are Falken 185/60/13s.


Is 3 year old too old? Do tyres like this typically go off after the first year or two?


Please help me find an excuse other than rotten driving!



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Tyres do go off, I wouldn't use 5 yr old tyres on a road car, though I might use them as donut or burnout tyres at a trackday. I used my 7 yr old michelins once - after several minutes of burnouts (world dissappeared in smoke) they were undamaged, that convinced me to dump them !


If you particularly wanted to keep them there is anecdotal evidence that some of the dubious tyre softening compund in the back of demon catalogue work (for a short period) if applied and left to cure. (can't see why you'd want to keep falkens)


Otherwise invest in a set of 032's or 021's - compared to the cost of the car's running costs or a track day and the fun you get out of it... it's not so expensive. I budget a set of tyres a year.



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Hi Simon


I'm restricted to List 1A tyres for sprints which excludes A021R and A032Rs. The 13inch tyres of choice appear to be Falken, Yoko A539 and Bridgestone RE720s.


Thanks for the pointer on softening agents, however these tyres are sufficiently cheap that I'll stretch to a new set if the advice is to get shot of them.




I spoke to your friend earlier in the day - I've always liked Europas, and with a 200bhp Vauxhall engine that is one cool `piece of kit.


The Dax is always impressive - more so because I gather it was looking rather sad after an accident in mid march.






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Jonathan this might make you feel better

there is a lot of tracks that are only now starting to get used and still have all the grime from winter so it may not be your tyresquestion.gif i dont think you can class your tyres as old also you were probably over keen with it your first time this year hope this makes you feel better






fredid=blue> smile.gif

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