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Anyone know a good motoring lawyer?


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Having established that those hand held hairdryer speed cameras are, according to the manufacturers, only accurate up to 100m and having just been done at 371m (at 91mph on a 60mph road and facing a ban) I feel I ought to consult a good mototring lawyer.


Any suggestions/ideas?

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I got clocked at 92+mph on a vasca by a motorcycle cop last year.


Found a solicitor local to where I was due to appear via yellow pages and a couple of phone calls.


Got away scot free because the witness, policeman's, statement was incomplete and the Crown Prosecution cocked up completely.


Message I got was that the documentation will let the CP down and the CP admin stinks and will also provide an avenue for escape.


Solicitor would have cost me £300 but the crown paid 'cos my case was thrown out.


There are a few tricks to the process which you might like to chat about, if so give me call on 07768 005701.


Paul M

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also the laser beamwidth (3 milliradians for LTI 20-20) ( Home office ref)means that at large ranges the area illuminated by the laser can be large - at 371m the beam is 1.1m wide. According to the ACPO guidelines if there is another vehicle in the photo, the evidence is not admissible.


I know to my cost though that the 'safety' camera partnerships don't have to abide by the ACPO guidelines, and I got done at over 300m with another car right in front of me.


In my case, 3 points and £60 weren't worth contesting.


I'm sure there could also be a challenge on the accuracy of the alignment between the laser and the cross hairs in the viewfinder - the laser is IR so can't be seen, and thus there's no proof, especially at long ranges, that they've got the right vehicle - the cross hairs ain't necessarily pointing at the same place the laser is. I don't believe this is confirmed in the calibration checks, and with a 3mR beamwidth alignment is fairly critical.


Good luck!



Aero'd supersported ex-Roadsports B...anyone got a cheap LSD?

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