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Zetec cam cover manipulation?


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Placed the bonnet and nose on my car tonight to check clearance with the new engine fitted, all is good but the nose rubs slightly on the lip at the front end of the cam cover that sits just behind the cam wheels.

Am I supposed to manipulate this, cut it down and if so how and is there a recommended amount?


X/FLOW 1700 DD 1990




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I would have thought you need to keep a bit of the upstand proud of the pulley to avoid the possibility of the belt rubbing on the bonnet. Guy, do you know if this is peculiar to the 'Black Top' as I know I didn't need to do it on my old 'Silver Top' Zetec.


By the way chaps, I undressed the Zetec last night that we are fitting on Saturday but haven't yet taken off the lower rear casing to the cam belt behind the pulley. I can't recall from my old engine now but is this pulley separate from the cam belt drive pulley behind it, once I have removed the bolt obviously?




2.3 DURATEC SV Reassuringly Expensive

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1. The Silver Top has a metal cam cover which does not have the 'UPSTAND' that forms the back of the belt cover we need to cut down. Mine has been cut down to about 5mm proud of the top of the cam belt.


2. Don't know, mine was already removed



Guy SB Lowe o *arrowup*o *smokin*

The ZETEC is now running here


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Thanks Chaps, I have an old alloy Zetec cam cover and I will dig this out and check the "upstand" to see if they are the same.

Brent, the middle section of the cam cover is alloy and simply unbolts then you have the bit underneath which I think you are describing, this has two bolts and you need to take the pulley for the fan belt off to remove it, the cam belt pulley sits behind this, of that is what you meant.


X/FLOW 1700 DD 1990




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Thanks Phil we took the old engine out today, stripped it down, dressed up the new Zetec and had it in and running by 4.30 this afternoon. I was going to suggest we wash and polish the car as well before Adil left but decided not to as we have guests tonight.




2.3 DURATEC SV Reassuringly Expensive

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*arrowup* Yes a very successful and rewarding day. *smile*


However Brent, I think we would have been able to have it finished a couple of hours earlier had it not been for the copious amounts of hot beverages and the delicious sandwiches provided throughout the day by Mrs C.


Please pass on my thanks to your good lady. *wavey*



Guy SB Lowe o *arrowup*o *smokin*

The ZETEC is now running here


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Ok, found my alloy rocker cover and it is nearly 15mm lower than the plastic one, answers the question.

I will cut my plastic one down to match.

Thanks for all the help, wish my engine would go in and start in a day *mad*


X/FLOW 1700 DD 1990




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Why not just fit the aluminium cam cover? That's what we did on Adils car yesterday as he wanted to keep his old colour coded one. It fits with no problems at all as I think the cylinder head is still the same as used on the older silver top engine. *thumbup*


It is a very straightforward job to do in a day especially if you already have the new Zetec fully built up and ready to drop in. Our job yesterday took rather longer as we still had to take components off the old engine such as the sump strip them down, clean them thoroughly and rebuild them before fitting to the new engine. You could easily fit the ECU and wiring loom into the car in preparation before pulling the old engine out.


And to be fair, there were 3 of us old hands there yesterday who have all carried out the X/Flow to Zetec conversion on our own cars over the years so we all knew exactly what we had to do. It was also quite interesting to shine a torch into the ports of the old engine and see that all 16 valves are permanently open! *eek* 😬




2.3 DURATEC SV Reassuringly Expensive

R 417.39 😬




Edited by - Brent Chiswick on 20 May 2007 23:52:17

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When I've recovered from the excesses of Saturday evening! *rolleyes*


If I'm not too busy, I might whip it off one evening this week actually so I'll send some pics over to you if you want to link to a 'House of Horrors' type thread on BlatChat. I suspect it won't be pretty. *eek* 😬




2.3 DURATEC SV Reassuringly Expensive

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If I'm not too busy, I might whip it off one evening this week
'Ere 'old on a minute *nono* 😬


Now I am eternally grateful to you all for all your work and help. *thumbup* *thumbup* But as for the unveiling, I think I'd like to wield the spanners etc. that do that. *cool* Obviously under you watchful and tutorial eye. It's (I hope) the only time I'll get to delve in to an engine without fear of messing something up.


Anyway, I'll speak with you about it.


Sorry, for the hijack, Phil. I hope yours is in and runng very soon.



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Thanks for the advice but the old cover is really dirty and all the effort to clean it would work out the same as cutting the new one down so I will just do that.


My tools arrived today for doing the timing, the pin, the bar and the pulley tool, should be sorted by Tuesday evening, the engine and box is already in, just the starter giving me problems at present. *mad*


X/FLOW 1700 DD 1990




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Let's just say that all 16 valves became rather too friendly with all 4 pistons resulting in a permanently open valve situation! *eek* I shone a torch into each inlet in turn and you could see it shining out of the opposite exhaust ports. *cool*


For some strange reason I don't yet understand, the bolt holding one of the cam belt idlers sheared off in the head thus allowing the belt to come off with the inevitable end result. ☹️ Happily though, after a day in my garage and a sparkling new Zetec from Raceline, he is now a happy 7ing chappy again. *thumbup*




2.3 DURATEC SV Reassuringly Expensive

R 417.39 😬


Edited by - Brent Chiswick on 22 May 2007 13:01:38

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Well I've yet to take the head off but Adil won't let me do it without him down here as he wants to be first to view the gory innards. 😬


At least all the valve heads still appear to be attached to their stems so with a bit of luck the damage will be confined to the valves but we would need to remove the pistons anyhow and check for cracks and ring damage etc as they have obviously received a bit of a battering.


So possibly a rebuild but too early to tell yet.




2.3 DURATEC SV Reassuringly Expensive

R 417.39 😬

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