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In honour of Reggie.......


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In the now traditional fashion I felt it might be best to open a condolences book for Reggie and lay some flowers by his shoe box. 😔.....


As most will be aware his Feckless.... Thats right FECKLESS *eek* *eek*carer fed him a last meal of spagetti "just to see what happened".... 😳


Well now we know... 😔 😔


So to honour Reggie , a chaste Hamster starved of companionship, what would be your last meal of choice?????







PS if Reggie made it through the night but his owner failed to notify us Hip Hip Horrah for Reggie and bring on the Taggaltelli next *smokin*


If at first you don't succed Sky diving is not for you

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As there are no reports I thought I'd get a jump on the rest of the media...




If however he is still alive I will print a small retraction in the Bugs section of BC *cool*



If at first you don't succed Sky diving is not for you

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I believe that Reggie is alive and well although he did feel that such sudden carb loading was a bit much as he had no plans to take up marathon running


He is still looking a lady hamster to make his life complete (preferable alive but beggars cant be choosers)





Supercheese R250


Caterham pictures here 😬

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Oops!! *redface* Forgot all about him ...





















Oh wait ........ yes ......





there's movement!!!


Phewwwwww .... He lives to sleep through another day ...

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I must say he'd be pleased to know that he's cared about on BC even if it's wanting at home ...

but he's fairly robust - afterall, he survived the kitchen roll incident!! *eek* *wink*


So his diet now includes carpet, ham, cheese and pasta ... does that make him the hamster gastronome equivalent of Delbert!!?? 😬

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hamster digestion may be able to cope with pasta once in a while, but cheese is not recommended and chocolate is a definite no-no.


males and females can be put together short term for mating, but must then be separated or they will fight, sometimes fatally.


knowledge gained from keeping hamsters in my youth.


A Woman's Place is - in her Se7en

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I can't tell you who told me but my source has a beard





Nope but the ex wifes HRT has gone to pot 😬 😬


If at first you don't succed Sky diving is not for you

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At least I can get a nights sleep not worrying about Reggie..


But after watching BBC 3 and the Family "therapist" wanting kids to talk about sex to parents I am in a great deal of shock


I feel a "disscussion" with Delberta is on the cards along the lines of

1) kness are supposed to be stuck together Daddy is applying the gllue to help


2) No being a Lesbian is natural its those Hetros that are perverts 😳 😬


If at first you don't succed Sky diving is not for you

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Could try to get a day off work for it Delbert.

I know it happens because I took the phone call. A colleague rang in to say she would be off work as a pet had died and her two kids were upset.

"A dog?"

"Horse, cat ?"


"No our hamster"

*redface* *mad*

Did my best not to swear at her




Red and Black 1.8K

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If only anybody cared .... I've even given up pretending to work.




Apparently my value is problem solving and



Issue Management 😳


I feel soooooo much better now *smokin*


If at first you don't succed Sky diving is not for you

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Carefull, I'm not the most tollerant of Issue managers 😬 😬 😬


1) Knick keys


2) Knick car


3) get a slapping when you return



Issue managed 😬


If at first you don't succed Sky diving is not for you

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