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heater fan - quick basic questions

Jam Mad

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ok ok ok, i know i shouldn't have a heater at all, and i know that they're heavy.


but if i didn't have a heater, i don't think i'd be allowed the car. so it stays.


anyway.... the fan seems to have packed up. before i check whether it's the switch or the fan, do you know if there is a fuse that covers that circuit and nothing else ? everything else seems to be working fine.


actually there is another thing.. some of the switches on my dash ( '95 1700 xflow ) light up and some don't. is this just 'cos the bulbs in the switches will have gone ?


cheers all,



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Some of them don't light up by design I think, until they're on.


ISTR that two or so of the ones on the far left don't, but I can't remember off teh top of my head (I'm sure the hazards, fog light one and that brake check jobbie don't. Which is three. Ah well).


Not sure on the heater query but there'll definitely be a fuse covering it and I would guess that it'll be on its own...

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There should be a fuse for the heater, it's probably an in-line one, so you need to trace the wiring for it.

Give me a call if you have problems, I have a copy of the wiring diagram for a XFlow.


Dave H

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The Heater in my 1990 Xflow started blowing fuses, which turned out to be a seized Fan Motor.

Mine is fused with a 10a fuse in the fuse box under the passenger side which also doubles up as the fuse for the instruments as well.(Enough "Fuses" in that sentence ??)


If I can help anymore, email me.




Edited by - Dave G on 8 Apr 2002 18:53:21

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My heater was removed on Friday, and I have to admit that I did miss it on a couple of occasions over the weekend.


During the daylight hours it was fine, however the late-night runs across the Cotswolds and Black Mountains were a little chilly as the temperature approached freezing.


Over the winter I'd taken to wearing sets of my sailing thermals if heading out for an extended blat, but didn't bother this weekend. I suspect that the thermals are much lighter than the heater, so it will stay on the garage shelf.



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She doesn't know about this yet - I had the engine out on Friday, and in an impulsive moment fitted the heater bypass hose that had been sitting on the shelf for a couple of months.


At that point the blanking plate fell into my hand and I just couldn't bring myself to leave the heater in place.


I'm going to buy some flowers and will try to broach the subject over a nice dinner with candlelight....


At least the weather is getting warmer now - the run back from your Xmas do was seriously chilly even with the heater.


Edited by - Miraz on 9 Apr 2002 22:57:25

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The dash switches have seperate wires for the illumination. It's easy to pull these off when fiddling underneath & difficult to get them back on as there's no slack. I've given up on mine as few of the dash switches now control anything.



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