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Another 300 bhp Duratec


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Rob I've tried this with a Carbon scoop which RiF made for me, I'm not convinced it's sufficient and so I'm going to go down a similar route to Danny (all the induction within the bonnet taking cold air from in front of the radiator) although I'm planning to combine this with a completely new induction set up on a new 2.3l engine...




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It is good fun making airboxes isn't it ? We have just about finished the one on our TB equiped crossflow. Its a bit like Danny LT's and pokes though the hole in the bonnet but not quite as far as his *wink*. The air feed though, goes over the top of the radiator. Its been quite an interesting exercise *thumbup*
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With this pace of development I wonder how long it'll be before we see a >350bhp Duratec in an S3 chassis *smokin* September maybe *tongue*





R400 Duratec Build and Modification Pictures



Edited by - MikeE on 2 May 2007 13:59:11

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And mine looks very similar too, except for the fish portions 😬. We did source a fish poacher to do the job but the welder contended that as it needed a small 'cut & shut' that it would heat distort easily and it would be better to build one from scratch around a wooden buck which is what was done. Hoping to have it finished next week all being well. 😶‍🌫️


Edited by - Graham Perry on 4 May 2007 20:36:45

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  • 2 weeks later...


Both 2 litre and 2.3 litre engines can be converted to 2.2 litre and although the first engine is based on a 2.3 there are plans to convert a 2 litre in the near future.


Ammo, I'm a bit (totally) confused by this statement, I can see that shortening the stroke of the 2.3l will reduce rod angles and therefore increase the (safe) rev capabilities of the engine.


Can't get my head around this in a 2.0l block though, you have less height in the bore (14mm less than a 2.3l?) so although the 2.2l stroke is shorter than the 2.3l surely you need shorter rods than the 2.2l used in the 2.3l block and therefore increased rod angles meaning you lose the benefit you gained with the 2.3l block? Confused *confused*


When are you planning on having a 2.2l (in a 2.0l block) ready for comparison purposes?




R400 Duratec Build and Modification Pictures


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Nothing to be confused about.


The stroke is lengthened and the rod is shorter by a few millimetres. The rod ratio is still more than acceptable. Probably not far off a stretched K, not sure because I don't know the K's stroke and rod length.


The bottom line is if you already own a 2 litre Duratec and you want 2.3 type torque and power with the added ability to rev to in a smaller and slightly lighter package, boring and stroking is the way to go. I am talking to a couple of people who want this conversion carried out. There is no reason why the Raceco 2.2 based on a 2 litre shouldn't make 300 bhp / 200 ft lb on pump fuel with good idle and driveability. So you can still take it to the shops if you like.


My predictions in the past regarding Duratecs have been pretty much spot on, I personally can't see any problems converting the 2 litre to 2.2. Unless of course you need to convince yourself that there is something fundamentally wrong with my engine so you can justify going another route 😬



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I understand the liners in the Duratec are 6mm and are not precisly cast into the block ( ford tollmakers source - block is cast around the liners) so how much is the rebore to get 2.2L Ammo and how does one ensure that the liner walls are not wafer thin .





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I have always found that it doesn't pay to be too greedy. Like eating too many pies, boring an engine too big can be bad for you :-)


I'm not releasing much information on this engine as I have some publicity planned for it later in the year once I have built a few more. Exact bore and stroke is known by only a few people. The engine is still in its infancy and I'm not too keen on others copying what I am doing and then saying they thought of it first!


Valve sizes are unique to me as are the cams. There is another experimental inlet cam on it's way, a new inlet valve and new pistons too.


It never ceases to amaze me how many phone calls I get where people ask me what cams I am using. The reply is always "cams of my own design". Kent who grind my cams have in their catalogue a graph of one of my engines with "custom ground cams" in the spec. I use them because they are very good with confidentiality. The development of the cams and spring package cost a big bundle of money and a lot of time.


I have a lot of respect for you Dave. I still remember the conversation we had on the 'phone saying that you would not pick my brains for information as you had no intention of buying anything from me. That makes you a gentleman in my book. When I am ready to release information you will be the first to know.




The rod ratio of a 2 litre Duratec coverted to 2.2 is still better than the K. Thanks for the info *thumbup*



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I wasnt looking to gleen info ..... *wink*


just interested in how the liner wall thickness issue is dealt with from a technical perspective. I was informed that the liners can vary +/- 3mm in cast and are then machine bored to be central and on crank center line. Obviously this needs to be replicated with the rebore. But I was a little concerned about how thick the walls could end up as.


I have promised er in doors that I wont tweek this engine of mine for 3 seasons - of course a supercharger is not tweeking is it - just addition *smokin*



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😬 😬 😬


You don't need to convince me of your engines capabilities, Ammo, having spoken to Danny and others I know you've achieved everything you said you would and more so you should rightly be proud *wink*


However having limited funds I have to try and reuse some of what I've got as well as make sure that the new engine has as many standard parts as possible so should the worst happen then the replacement/rebuild cost isn't huge - it's not just the engine build costs it's the rebuild/refresh costs over the next few years - the total life costs if you like, don't want it running into Nimitz class carrier territory - something I know a little about *tongue*


Having said all that I'm sure I'll upgrade to a 2.3l 270bhp spec in the next couple of months and then next winter I'll seccumb to temptation and slap the supercharger on there for 350bhp, should be sufficient in a 515KG series 3 chassis 😬






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Looks like I've confused Dave Jackson and Dave J. Somebody sent me an email to point out my mistake. What do I know? Both from Wales, both called Dave. You can see how easy it to confuse the two.



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Oh bloody hell - will someone please close this thread!! 😬 I can see us going this route sometime in the future....if only we didn't have such a reliable k (that should do it 😬) Everytime I read an update on here it makes me more and more sure it just is't worth investing in a k dry sump, but instead should use the opportunity to change....still unlikely to be for quite a while yet though, but the attraction of some of this stuff is strong.... 😬

[thanks for the email re exhaust packing ammo - got it just as we were moving but will be in touch... *thumbup*]


...ok, carry on with the temptation game..... 😬






100,000 miles car

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Angus, you must remain strong willed. I'm not and thus I have been tempted to step onto this oh so slippery slope by a certain person of a Latin persuasion. *wink*


Btw, cheers again for the lift last week, it all went swimmingly well. *thumbup*




2.3 DURATEC SV Reassuringly Expensive

R 417.39 😬

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Angus, repeat after me:

"The time to make the change was upon reskinning the body"

"The time to make the change was upon reskinning the body"

"The time to make the change was upon reskinning the body"


Now you have the thing sorted with the K it would be a shame to change it wholesale.


[end voice of reason and sanity]

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