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50th anniversary - WHEN are people going

Boonie Hound

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Yaawwwnnn!! Well, Mark asked us all not to post anything on the Forum prior to him announcing on the 50th Website...hence none of us did!


Well, the sprint wasn't the focal point of the weekend really.....we were just there to give you lot something to look at sunday.....bit of a bugger that I end my time in Class 2 prematurely....however, there's always next year to come watch when I try to keep up with them little buggers in Class 3!!


??? Boonie....if you do...you'll be getting towards a whole car without Mrs Boonie noticing 😬 😬


Dannyboy *tongue*


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I may just go out onto the informal blat route early on and grab some action shots of Caterhams movingI


Blimey Paul what with you and the Police everyone wants a piece of us *eek* 😬


help me find a seven


Boonie you'll find one easily, you have a choice of 500. I'm more worried how I find my own car, maybe they should colour code the parking





R287 Mobile Jaffa Cake- It's black at both ends with a smashing orangey bit in the middle here

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Ahhh Neil, we cam e up with a cunning plan to sell seveners a helium filled ballon on a piece of string to fix to the roll bar to make the car easier to find...but we figured if everyone bought one then we might have to give some money backto angry customers...


When I say we I mean the people in my head.

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Can't believe it. I have been looking forward to this event for the past 18 months. As some of you know my car electrics fritzed out near Taunton after driving all the way back from Toulouse a few weeks ago *mad* *mad* *mad* To cut a long story short replaced coil, lumention bits and dizzy (yes fritzed), tons of wiring, cut out the Vecta alarm thing (with the help of an excellent auto electrician) etc. and was hoping to be away yesterday lunchtime to join the fray. But nowt on turnover. Dead as a do-do. Called auto elec man back and we checked all my bits again. And his. Only thing not checked was the alternator - bought new about two months ago in Toulouse along with a new battery. You guessed it..........AGGHHHHH. Upon test it was firing out 16v *eek* into the system. FFS. Battery knackered too it seems (we both thought it was just 'flat' having been unused for a few weeks). Plates probably warped inside........


So. Here I sit on what looks like another beautiful day, wife gone out in her car with the kids because she assumed I was going to Norfolk. I have my paid for blat tickets plus Lotus tour ticket all sitting here in front of me. Totally p1ssed off. *mad* *mad* *mad* ☹️ ☹️ ☹️ And to top it all I read about the great Colin Macrae biting the dust ☹️.


Oh well, tomorrow is another day.............just. Can we have a 51st anniversary bash please *smile* *wavey*


Dave Ardley. White Xflow with Clams

The Bearded Clams

King Clam Of Clam Hill!

NEW Updated Photos here

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I had everything planned, except for the new job down in Toulouse.


I heard Wile was going back to the UK, so I figured the safest place to be was where he just left *wink*


I hope everybody that went had a good time.

It would be nice to see some pictures.


Only dead fish go with the flow....!

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Well chaps all I can say is that you missed a classic.

We (that's Paul and I) did notice you were missing and Paul was nice to me - extraordinary - something you should have been there to witness *wink*.


KGH:- Paul took loads of pix so I am sure you will be able to see lots soon.


Yes, I had the 21 there and it made it there and back entirely under it's own motive power. And I had GJT there too, again entirely under its own motive power. 😬


There were loads of people there and the only ones for whom I was looking, and failled to find were WindyCat and Mr Windycat.


GJT Crossflow

524 returning from Arch - corrected

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