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Fair price

Davey Bee

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I put the engine back in my Davrian this morning and it took about 30 minutes.....including gearbox, obviously, but it's a transaxle, so I have to do the do-nuts up yet, which can be done easiest on an overhead lift, which currently has a Renault 5 Alpine on it which has no tyres on the wheels...... *evil*


Plus I've lost the gearbox mount bolts, the gearchange selector pinchbolt, the engine mount bolt...... *mad*


But it IS IN!!! *cool*


Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds..ooooh hooo hooo!!...

😬 😬Abbey Road Time-Machine *eek* *eek*


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I'd expect to pay around £250.00 Which is why I always do my own



Engine removal/reinstallation is always looked upon as a dark art........................until you've done it yourself................


It's actually quite easy. If I can do it then................ *smokin*


It helps if you have an engine crane.


When picking up a new car from a dealer a few years ago my daughter, who sensed the salesman knew nothing (about anything) asked me how long it would take to get the engine out. The salesman said they couldn't be removed beacuse they were sealed by the factory *cry*


Edited by - Mick Day on 23 Mar 2007 16:42:29

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Mind you, after just paying Lord March's ex-mechanic £300 for almost fitting my DS system in our trusty crossflow, (still lacks the alloy pulleys which it can't be used without),and reinstalling the motor on my Davrian racer, I think I will be doing the rest of the work myself, as it wasted a fair bit of time when he failed to tell me the gearbox nuts were finger tight..... *mad* *mad* *rolleyes*if I'd done it myself, I'd have sussed that this was because I hadn't re-sealed it when I had it apart 3 years ago.


So I was obliged to take the damned unit out again on my own, split the box, reseal it, then I called him over to help reinstall engine & box which took literally 10 minutes.




Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds..ooooh hooo hooo!!...

😬 😬Abbey Road Time-Machine *eek* *eek*



Edited by - Unclefester on 24 Mar 2007 11:42:03

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