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I don't think nyou can arrive at a solution to this problem very easily at all. I'm not sure what age your son is but I would suspect that the best approach is to plug a few numbers inot the calculator until you can sketch the graph of the function and use the graph to approximate the result desired. I''ve tried a few other routes to solve the equation and failed having been at it some time now.
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I agree about drawing a graph to get an initial estimate and then you can use Newton-Raphson to get a more accurate value for the real root. Re-arrange the equation to xxx + xx - 30 = 0 = f(x). Then f'(x) = 3xx + 2x and then you can use


x(n+1) = x(n) - f(x(n))/f'(x(n))


to get successively closer approximations. Once you've got the real root, you can factorise to a linear and quadratic form and then calculate the complex roots.


Or you can just use the Excel Goal seek function (which probably does something similar to the above anyway!).


A far more taxing problem as an aside: does anybody know how to search for pdf files containg certain text in XP??





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Thanks MTH. I've tried both the methods in the article, but with no success I'm afraid. I'm wondering if I have to wait for Windows to complete the indexing process before it will work - that would make sense to me. In the meantime, I'm trying out some freeware called File Hand Search - we'll see if that works.


Apologies to all for going off at a tangent from the original post.



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