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1.6K - What would you do ??

David Lynch

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Hello all *wavey*


Just bought 😬 (I am chuffed to bits) a very clean and neatly tagged/bagged (and now bubble wrapped main bits) 1.6K in pieces (No ancillaries, needs new piston rings, maybe bearings). Obviously my main port of call for rebuild parts and guidance will be Oily. I have a 95-98 Rover 200 Haynes Manual (not found a K Series manual yet ☹️). This is a long term (1yr) project (Unless current engine fails *eek* bulk of work and transplant will be winter 2007/8).

Current engine is the 1.4K SS 128bhp with front facing Throttle Body (Minister Built 1995)


I am not after mega power as don't have mega money...

160bhp would be prime target but would like to build for staged upgrades so capable of 180bhp if I ever get to Jenveys etc.


My current thought is to rebuild as 1.6 (maybe with Forged pistons if find some at right price). Check/Clean my 1.4 Head and do a Stu Forshaw 'Frankenstein' with current Head/ECU/Flywheel. This frees up the new head (LDF 106350 casting) to be ported in the future.


As already in bits changing to a 1.8 is an option? (Rods/Crank only?)

EU2 vs changing to EU3 and old loom/dizzy/ancillary considerations (especially when it comes to Emerald)?

Do Superlight 1.6 ECU's exist as EU2 ? Can my flywheel have a few more teeth knocked out 😬 ?


I look forward to your ideas/guidance *thumbup*


1.4K SS 😬 here 'You've got be in it to lose it !'

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Don't know if it's true, but I've seen the Minister 1.4's descibed as developing 138BHP . So presumably they've already had some head work done, or cams 🤔 So couple this to a 1.6 bottom end, verniers and, maybe a mappable ECU, you could be getting close to your proposed 160BHP. *thumbup*

That's if it's true *confused*

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BOSS, Like the idea of bike TB's IF can be done for less than second hand Jenveys.... and either will look the business *wink*. I'll just keep eyes peeled for cams that aren't too wild as prefer torquey to peaky (So 1.8 may be best route) *thumbup*


Ged, be nice if it was *cool*, think mine is too long in tooth now. On a roll on speed run it matches a fresher 115bhp 1.6 Roadsport B but you have to use ALL the rev's to gain any advantage. I'd be suprised if beyond the quoted 128bhp. Checking out state of head is a job for the not to distant future. I'll get the casting number off the 1.4 head for starters.





1.4K SS 😬 here 'You've got be in it to lose it !'

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I think you will be pushing it on a budget to get 160 from a 1.6. Unless you want to stay with that capacity for competition I would rebuild as a 1.8. Rods and crank are all that are needed, although the press fit pistons may not be reusable.


I have just sold a set of standard 1.8 pistons and rods, so I know you should be able to pick them up for not much money. DVA can more than likely supply or you can pick them up as you go along.


If you end up short of a crank let me know I have a spare 1.8 thats been checked by Dave and is OK for reuse I had a new crank and decided to use that in my conversion.



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Think you've just given me my first investment idea. Phone call, put it all in the boot and drive to Milton Keynes. Buy an hour of Oilys time to inspect and some rebuild bits. Might stave off a monumental cock up that way *smokin*





1.4K SS 😬 here 'You've got be in it to lose it !'

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