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Brake warning toggle

Phil Bishop

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I've had Sevens for about 5 years now and I've always felt to silly to ask this. But I'm getting to the stage where I couldn't look more daft if I tried, so ....


The brake warning toggle/light on the dashboard. How does it work? What has happened if it suddenly lights up? What does it indicate if you flip the toggle and light comes on? Or doesn't?


I.6 SS, 6 Speed box, BRG/yellow stripe and Brooklands!

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you can test the whole circuit by pressing the top of the master cylinder cap too. That should also make it light up.




BTW please give generously to Bundle's Big Charity Walk for Asthma research here Ta.








see here - UPDATED again

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I see you all read the caterham handbook when you bought your cars then? *tongue*

No wonder we get questions like oil levels. *tongue*

There is a lot of usefull information in the handbook. ( whether it is accurate is another thing) *rolleyes*



R500 Mango Madness

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read the handbook ??

I'm the bloke who shakes all the bits out of the box. Puts it all together and finds it's a Food Blender. Pulls it all apart again, finds the instructions, reads them and assembles it, correctly, as a Trolley Jack.

As Sprog says


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As I said to Sprog last night (we're doing Snett on Sat and he's got a TVR) "got your towing point sorted then have you ?"

"Dunno where it is"

"Well we better find out, 'cos the recovery guy probably don't know either"

Your point (almost) exactly.

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As for jacking points;

Caterham told me the A frame attachment point in the middle of the DeDion. Book says different.

I don't believe the middle of the cross on the front is best as it's being used as a beam. At the side is better as it's the point of a vetical triangle. Caterham said "inboard third of the bottom wishbone.

But I guess this is a whole thread hi-jack on it's own. *idea*

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