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A total waste of internet bandwidth, but...


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I know it's a total waste of our resources but I want to tell you this...


I keep my CSR in the garage under a nice silver car-cover. It's just too wet and windy to get it out right now plus I actually have to do some work which is a blow.


Anyway cutting right to the chaise, today after bringing the boys home from school, they took the cover off the car without asking me. I wander in and bl00dy hell, when you've not seen it for a while you just forget how good it looks.


I know it's not a real 7 and it's not been raced so it can't be properly called a Caterham but for a man of my years, in a sensitive mood, it looks the bogs dollocks.


It's yellow with black bits. It sounds good, it looks good and by golly, it does me good.


That's better. Back to making tea now...



David Waine. CSR200.

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Thanks for coming along with me on this one.


Tomorrow I have to go to Manchester for a meeting. Don't have to be there until 12:00. I have safe parking when I get there. Oooo. Dare I? Yes I blinking well do!


If it's not pi$$ing it down when I leave, the Honda's going to be left behind and it's off with the cover, up the A34, upset the old people in Knutsford (and maybe some young ones too). Actually Holmes Chapel is quite good for upsetting locals... Lets face it, it's all going to be fun. I wonder if I can get out of the meeting by 13:00...


I know it's childish, but I'm only going to be middle aged once.


PS: I'm flattered to be replied to by the M and the V in mav *thumbup*



David Waine. CSR200.

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> Hope you sat in it and made brrrrmmm brrrmmmm noises


Worse, I got the boys to open the garage doors, sat in it, started the engine, listened for a while. Started thinking. Meeting in M/C tomorrow...


Q: Will gear required for meeting fit in "boot"? (Project files, spectrum analyser & cables)

A: Yes


Q: Can I store car in next door's car park at work?

A: Yes


Q: What am I waiting for?

A: Tomorrow.


UPDATE: Just leaving for meeting in M/C....



David Waine. CSR200.

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FURTHER UPDATE: Went, met, came back. Now that's 2 out of 3 which is quite good I think. It would have been 3/3 if not for the fact that...


The meeting was with a supplier whose representivites were from a country a long, long way away. Can't say where, but it won't suprise you if I told you. Different culture I know. So I turn to their UK guy to ask a question "Can we actually read the number of bits per bin on the ADSL2+ lines"? Without a word of a lie while my back is turned some expert from their head office filps my note pad over to look at the other issues I've got to raise.


Sweet lordy mama. I didn't think quickly enough. If only I'd been quick enough to walk over to his laptop and fired up a command prompt and typed FORMAT C:. Obviously I wouldn't have pressed ENTER, but it would have made a point. In the old days I'd have been quicker but now I've just got to let it wash over me.


Anyway the trip was great, no traffic on the way up. No rain, I just love that road into south Knutsford (dom't come to look at it, it's not that good). Trip back nearly as good, dodged the rain. Super!


Made the kids tea. Sitting down to write up the meeting for my manager (who seems to be in Ireland for some reason).


Anyway nice to talk with you folks, see you around...



David Waine. CSR200.

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