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do you really need to change the oil.....?

w powers

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only manged to do 2k miles in my R300 so far (2 years old in June '07), the oil was changed at 12 months old and will be due a change in another 4 months, is it really necessary to change at 12 month intervals with such low mileage (the money I'd save I can put towards this new road charging scheme 😬).

Say with the coolant, is that supposed to be every 12 months, I'm sure my last tin top didn't ever have the coolant replaced in the 4.5 years I had it with no obvious problems?


the last R300 with RB (I think)

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Sitting there in the sump absorbing moisture from the atmosphere while the contaminants from the combustion process alter the molecular structure *eek*


It's not like a sump full of new oil will break the bank.


BRG Brooklands SV 😬 It seems that perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to take away. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

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As Tony says its not a good idea to leave the engine sitting over the winter with contaminated oil in, the acids left in the oil from the combustion process can eat away at your bearings etc. Vandervell VP2 bearings are particularly suseptable to this. If you want to get more use out of your oil then do not lay up the car, use it once a week. Just don`t leave it standing for prolonged periods.
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so it sounds like I need to add oil filter and oil to my latest order from CC.

based on the above I guess it makes sense to change the oil at the start of each season rather than mid or end?


what about the coolant....? sure every couple of years would be more than enough?


the last R300 with RB (I think)

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its not a good idea to leave the engine sitting over the winter with contaminated oil in


This would suggest that you should change the oil before laying the car up for the winter rather than in the spring *confused*


I agree wih changing the oil every 12 months - I usually do mine at the 12 month mark (in June), even though I lay it up over winter.


As regards coolant, with a long-life coolant, I can't see why that would need changing after 12 months.



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