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1.4 vs 1.8 Clutch cables


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I was going to drive my car for the 1st time since putting a 1.8k dry sump in, but I cant get it in any gear. Ive tried playing with the clutch adjustment but with no effect.


Is the 1.4 cable longer than the 1.8?


Im really disapponited, I had my sparcos on and was all ready, but I cant back it out of the garage.



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Is the clutch adjusted properly?

I thought the cable was the same size *confused*


🙅🏻‍♂️Schizophrenic Cagey says 🙅🏻‍♂️

I am a man of many personalities
How else could he explain his multiple *evil* usernames? *nono*

Only dead fish go with the flow....!

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The cable I have is 27inches long & the sheath is 21 inches.


I had a look in the build manual but it wasnt very clear how it should be adusted as a start point.


Puzzled and worried. If the engine has to come out again to fiddle with the clutch Ill be very gutted.

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The engine should not need to come out be fiddled with, unless the CRB is not fitted properly.


Have you got someone to lend a hand?

If so, get them to depress the clutch, while you have a look down the hole in the gearbox to see if everything is working properly.


It sounds like the clutch is not disengaging properly.


I'll see if I can find my spare cable and measure it for you *thumbup*


🙅🏻‍♂️Schizophrenic Cagey says 🙅🏻‍♂️

I am a man of many personalities
How else could he explain his multiple *evil* usernames? *nono*

Only dead fish go with the flow....!

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My Cable outer is 21" long, and has 6" cable exposed.

If you have no helpers available, try wedging the pedal down.

Does the clutch "feel" right?

I would suggest you adjusted the cable some more, so you move the cable outer away from the crb fork. Then try again.


🙅🏻‍♂️Schizophrenic Cagey says 🙅🏻‍♂️

I am a man of many personalities
How else could he explain his multiple *evil* usernames? *nono*

Only dead fish go with the flow....!

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So it sounds like your cable is the same as mine. It feels OK, I have manfully pressed the peddle down with my hands and watched the clutch move. I think I can see it starting to disengage, but then I cant press the peddle any further.


It is now adjusted futher away from the clutch fork & still now joy. Although my girlfreind is now awake so I might have a helper.

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Still no joy with BH end of cable adjusted as far from the clutch fork as possible.


Starting to fear the worst - that the clutch I bought off here a couple of years ago isnt the right one. The plate has 6 springs compared to the previous plate having 4. The plates themslves had a main plate with a smaler 2nd smaller plate on them, giving the appearance of having a layered plate.


At least I know the engine works!



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Has the car sat for a while!!!





Put car in gear ENGINE OFF and rock car back OOps YOU need a second person to sit in and depress the clutch pedal - and forth that should release it and hey presto BLAT AWAY *thumbup*


Forget the health food. I need all the preservatives I can get!


Edited by - Billyboy on 17 Feb 2007 16:19:39

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Billy, I doubt its that as its a new clutch etc that only been in the car for a month or so after an engine change. Still not figured it out, hoping its just adjustment. The day hasnt entirely been wasted, just fitted my bulk buy shift lights & set them up for the first 100 miles of running in at max. of 4000rpm. They are very cool!
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Is the dry sump equipment secondhand ? Sounds like you may have a bent clutch arm, these used to fail regularly . CC uprated the the clutch arm 1999 ish the uprated ones do not fail.


Just look at the action of the arm within the cut out in the top of the belltank, if its hitting or its movement is restricted by the belltank casting then suspect the clutch arm.



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Hi Rob, the DS system is off the original 1.4 engine in which it was OK. All the bits where cleaned & visually inspected & I didnt see anything amiss. Has also been suggested that the clutch fork could have detached from its pivot - ISTR that it only clips in place- and thus is not working properly. I will investigate this tomorrow and see if the fork can be moved left or right which might suggest this.


Have to get some help in next weekend to have a look at it.

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The clutch arm is retained in its pivot point by a small length of plastic tubing.


I never feel to comfortable about this as a retaining method but, that said, once located, it isn't going anywhere.


You mention fitting a multi-plate clutch... if you changed from the original clutch but retained the existing CRB that may well be your problem. The standard clutch uses a flat faced CRB whereas you will require a CRB with a rounded face. I got over this by cutting down and grafting the face from a Saab CRB, though I believe SBD sell a "mushroom" that fits directly onto the standard CRB.


This mushroom also has the effect of packing out the face of the CRB, which in my case was necessary before the clutch could disengage.


If your clutch arm is not bent, is correctly located and is travelling forward to the maximum position, then you need the "mushroom" to pack it out - do fee l free to phone me if you need someone to chat it through with (01444 892127).




Deliveries by Saffron, *thumbup* the yellow 230bhp Sausage delivery machine

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