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Rapid Response

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*arrowup* *arrowup* *arrowup* *arrowup* Are those guidelines somewhere on the 'site' Graham? The corporate colours and 'how' they can be used woud be be very beneficial to avoid folk doing their own thing.


Simply doing a vinyl die cut 'logo' service might help (and create funds for the club). I have a 'new' (ie little used) Roland CAMM 1 vinyl cutting machine - and I would be willing to donate it to the club for free if it helps (as long as I got a life supply of vinyl decals) 😬 😬


Email me at toulouse7ens@yahoo.com or blatmail me if interested *thumbup*


Dave Ardley. White Xflow with Clams

Don't point that beard at me, it might go off.

Groucho Marx

Updated photos here


Edited by - Wile7 on 29 Dec 2006 15:28:25

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Guys please!!! I don't want to dampen anyone's enthusiasm either but can I reel this in slightly before people get carried away. I would rather people did not start producing their own stickers or other items bearing the club's logo without Rachael's sign-off as Brand Manager, and with something like stickers I'd like to be involved myself. The only things I would normally OK outside the Regalia range are low volume one-offs - for area stickers I'd like to have a standard design agreed where the area name can easily be changed. Area stickers are a good idea (just as Dowlis have agreed to do area versions of the Winter Jacket in batches after Dave J asked at the AOs meeting) Mav, could I see the design you're about to make up?


There are a million and one people capable of creating vinyl cut stickers and if we're going to create ones of the club logo the club needs to retain control of it and not have everyone making their own! I have already had another AO do his own and present yellow vinyl samples to me and I have asked him to sit back until January when I can pick it up. We have a very big list of things to do in the new year and re-doing the sticker pack is on there, including cut vinyl versions


Slapped wrist Adrian M! That's the kind of thing I'm going to do, but as Graham says if it's going on a dark background like that car there's a different version, the colour flag should never be used like that. Sorry to sound like a bit of a brand Nazi but the club needs to protect how it's image is presented - just because I have a Caterham doesn't mean it's OK for me to produce stuff using their logo, just as being members of this club doesn't mean we should all be able to use its logo unchecked. We try to be accomodating but there does need to be some control and sign-off


Oh, and the old logo is the old logo - can we keep it that way please and not start re-designing it cos you don't like the new one *mad*


FireBlade pilot and Regalia Manager

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Can I just echo everything that Graham and Nick have said, if you want to use the logo, then please email me and we can discuss. There are guidelines as to how the image can be used, which is why I need to know what you are planning, so that I can ensure we are protecting the image of the club. I'm not unreasonable though and don't think I've yet had to say no to anyone.


I'm off to finish my Christmas holiday now, but I'll be reading email again from Wedenesday.





Cambridge Area Rep, NtL Co-ordinator and Brand Manager *eek* 😬


Edited by - Rachael on 29 Dec 2006 20:14:59

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Cheers Mav. I have just sent a massive illustrated email to my usual sticker man about a variety of things for next year. Rapid Response, I assume you're in this line of business - drop me a BlatMail if you want the same email to price up


Erm John, I'd rather Mav didn't produce stickers of the old logo either


FireBlade pilot and Regalia Manager

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I'd not be looking to use the old logo at all. The logo / club branding was changed, and as a result the old logo was dropped.


If you wanted anything with the old logo, you'd have to organise that yourself, in conjunction with the Brand Manager.


I only asked for, and gain permission to use the new logo.





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Hi All


I think I've started something here, all I was trying to do was be constructive as I have a friend in the printing business who would have been able to possibly help us, he is away for another 8 days so if someone here can get it together then brilliant....


Whatever the logo is fine but can it definitely read 'My other car is a Caterham’?






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RR, Have a chat with Nick Addison. He is available via e-mail. Deatils for contacting him are in the front of Low Flying. He is the regalia manager, and is in the process of updating the sticker sets anyway.


I personally think it is a good idea. *thumbup*

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I've been chatting to Nick via e-mail and he has come up with a basic design based on your thoughts...


I must stress this is an IDEA at this stage, and is subject to change, but would appreciate some feedback.


The sticker would either be in black on white, or as cut vinyl. The logo at the end is also subject to change.


There are also other discussions that need to happen, before this even gets to production, so please be patient.


The design is here


I'll be chatting with Nick next week anyway, so some feedback on this design would be appreciated. *thumbup*



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Wow, that looks big, my other car is a Cooper S, that sticker will cover the whole boot!! *biggrin*


If it's for glass then should be an internal sticker instead of external....(I'm sure you know what i mean but sticky on the wording).


Just my pref but would prefer Caterham instead of Seven and prefer club logo but happy to go with the majority on the logo.




Rapid (Enough of the forum name, my name is Howard)


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