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Mint Condition W*******d


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I did think of that first, unfortunatly i have been unable to locate a website which is either indepenadantly run or as easily accessible to enthusiasts such as your good selves. Any suggestions or note worthy links??


Edited by - mikehiggins on 15 Mar 2002 23:41:39

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for free for sale ads. They have a Westf1eld section

www.wscc.co.uk is the owners club site for Westf1elds. If you aren't a WSCC member though, you can't post an ad. Perhaps Blatchat should be the same for adsquestion.gif Wouldn't affect me of course, 'cos I'm a membertongue.gif


It is true that not all Cat owners are pratts, could you say the same of westf1eld owners ??

You should know better.

I have noticed though that the some of the longest threads on this site, perpetuated by C******m owners, discuss at great length their biggest rival. I wonder why that is...........

No, don't bother.


Edited by - Blatman on 15 Mar 2002 23:51:36

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Big up ter yer Mike - I think that it'd be an ace car for a ggod price - and maybe some people don't think some of us don't belong here but I think you'll find we all have the same ideas - power to weight.


When I was hill-climbing my bike ('87 KTM500MX with Astralites etc.) it was never a case of 'my bike is better than your 'cos mine cost a million quid to build' - it was more of 'I like how you've set up your rear shocker linkage on your RG500'...


Then, Mr Woods on his '70's Westlake would blitz everyone and we'd all be blinded by his skill. Need I say more?


Buy a W*******d, buy a Sylva (highly recommended), buy a Locost and spend your cash on beer - you know it makes sense! wink.gif

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Mike, also put a (free) ad in pistonheads.com. But what did you honestly expect on this site? What's intersting is the amount of "novices" that appear all of a sudden whenever there's a W e s t f i e l d v Caterham bunfight - almost as if they've been waiting for the chance to get involved....


Count - even from your hacked posting, it was still obvious that you were taking the P out of Arnie, not Mike - I couldn't for the life of me work out how to connect nurses with fast food - now if we'd been talking about Jan Thompson the connection would have been obvious...that's v fast food, not v nurses Jan...biggrin.gif


BTW I wonder what images people on this site who've never met Arnie have conjured up of him - worth a thread on its own, I would have thought....beer swilling overweight self opinionated slob, perhaps....Buster Bloodvessel lookalike?....(Arnie, it's OK, I know what you look like!)...now all I need is an emoticon of a bloke wearing Oakleys wink.gif...oh well, Wayfarers will have to do... cool.gif

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Apologies to all offended as now i stand corrected. Of course i never chose the english option Count I have a spellcheck for that, besides when was the last time anybody could read (or understand) the handwriting of an individual in medicine.


Edited by - mikehiggins on 16 Mar 2002 09:11:37

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Steve Davis, I really dont care what you think.


You do not know me, you certainly do not understand me or what I do for this club.


When you can match my contributions to the L7C in terms of event management, the wealth of intellectual capital I have shared with other owners and ENTHUSIASTS of THIS marque, and the fact that I have bought together many of these people in starting not one, but two area meetings, then I feel you might be in a position to criticise.


All I posted on this thread is a comment suggesting that those who only moan about the price of Caterhams might be better off on the Tiger/Locost/Robin Hood forums which by the sole admission of their postings are far more appropriate to the budgets these people are willing to invest in these cars. I ahve not on this thread or any other, blatently bragged about my car or its performance. (except maybe my R500 sign off, which if you understood more about this club and its membership is a little joke between a few of its members)


Were it not for the time I have spent figuring out (at my own expense/frustration/graft)what does/is feasible/possible to move the Seven to the limits of usuable road/track car performance/spec, I am sure people on this forum who have since built cars which are in a similar performance league to mine would have had further expense/frustration/graft of there own. That is what a forum is about.


The fact that we can chit/chat, have a laugh and make humourous jabs at others is all part of the community which exists here. If you prefer the more "X563JDS spotted on the M25 this moring type posts (it was a Blue WRX Mk5 with an extra big exhaust)" type posts maybe you should join the now infamous Gary C in the Subaru forum.


When Wetsfield came up with the tag line" Get a Life, Get a Wetsfield" they obviously didn't take a very close look at you!


Go back into your greenhouse and pray your stones do not exhibit boomerang properties.


Fat Arn

The NOW PROVEN R500 Eaterid=red>

See the Lotus Seven Club 4 Counties Area Website hereid=green>



Edited by - Fat Arnie on 16 Mar 2002 18:41:45

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You do not know me, you certainly do not understand me or what I do for this club.


Any more than you know Steve and what he does for our club! He could be winding you up, just as well as you were winding up The Count, and those who fell for it (me included).

Whilst Steve doesn't organise anything like approaching the Le Mans trip (which is probably the biggest organised club trip of any car club, and well done for that), Steve is a very good guy in the WSCC, and one of the few who gets off his bum.gif to help out with a number of our events. I have no doubt he is your equal in this respect.


So give it up, the pair of you. Besides, if Arnie hadn't hacked the Count's log in, we wouldn't be here........


You reap what you sow, a wise man once said.




Edited by - Blatman on 16 Mar 2002 18:52:50

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My only observation Blatman is that this is not the WSCC forum, but that of the L7C.


Fair point, but I think your comments could be open to mis-interpretation. It certainly doesn't take 4 paragraphs to remind some-one of something he already knows.


Don't forget Steve Davies is a C******m owner too.............




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Dear blatchaters,


This is a pretty funny/entertaining forum as well as a source for valuable information on a jewel of a car.


Part of the reason for this forums "character" is postings and frank/unguarded comments from members like Fat Arn. I think he (or she?) is quite funny...



Kind Regards and World Peace to All



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