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Shift-i shiftlights and scuttle holes


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I've just gained a set of these shiftlights and have started pondering on exactly how and where to fit them... My initial thought is to have them velcro mounted on the scuttle (windscreened car) to the left of the wheel (so they're not hidden behind the top of the wheel.) This position makes them appear midway between the headlights, so in a good spot for peripheral vision.


I'm also planning on putting my Sigma bike speedo on the scuttle, so will have other wires needing to go through the scuttle.


One plan was to remove one of the popper bases and use that to feed the cables through, but the one on the right edge of the cockpit is a bit too far away, the central pair are a bit more necessary for the tonneau.


I don't really want to drill holes in the scuttle unless I really have to. What have other people with similar lights done with the cables?





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I drilled mine as a single hole central on the scuttle. The shift-i is central behind the wheel to keep it in my eyeline, on a piece of 10mm alu channel to lift it above the wheel rim, and the sigma is just to the left of the wheel but angled back in.










see here - UPDATED again

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I've been pondering on this one for a bit too. I've mounted my Shift-i unit using velcro on the scuttle stood off by about 10mm on two small plastic blocks such that it clears the top of the wheel. The position is great but I've not been brave enough to drill holes yet. I was wondering if it would be possible to take the wires to the edge of the screen and then in through the same hole as the driver's side heated screen wire. Not sure if that hole is big enough though and haven't had time to take the screen off to look yet.
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I remember someone mounted Omex sequential shiftlights on the dash, and routed the cable through a small slot he made next to the speedo/tacho cutout in the dash panel. Seemed a neat solution, and meant there was no need to drill into the scuttle.


See some pictures of the build here. 11000 miles completed!

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I drilled my scuttle. Not sure that I've got any pics. I made mine just large enough to get the ACES shiftlight plug (big DIN thing) through - so probably of the order of 14-15mm.


I swapped the ACES for the Shift-i but also route cables for the satnav, Sigma bike comp and also (on occasion a lead for the PMR radio). It's sealed by a grommet and isn't too noticeable as it is close to the center mirror/mount for the aeroscreen.


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Alcester Racing

7s Equipe™

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Thanks all. *thumbup*


Steve - I guess the heated screen wire is on the far right edge? I think I may be taking the screen off over the weekend to investigate. Any gotchas, other than being careful of the heated screen wiring?


Myles - yup, I was looking at your site just now - I saw the Sigma speedo was wired via the tacho hole... Getting this shiftlight should prompt me to actually fit my Sigma properly (though the blu-tack mount onto the dash is effective, even if it is nowhere near my line of sight!) It'd be good to build a bracket to hold both shiftlights & speedo (with extra lighting.) Ideally the whole lot would be velcro'd so that it could be moved to allow the tonneau to fit.





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The Sigma was *originally* mounted via the tacho hole - if you take this route, you'll need to cut a nick in the dash to stop the tacho chopping the wire off when you insert it.


I can see why people are wary about drilling bl**dy-great holes in their pride and joy - but I went for functional rather than pretty - and the cost of a replacement bare-ali scuttle isn't too frightening anyway.


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Alcester Racing

7s Equipe™

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