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Happy annivisary to us


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340g of Arsesparrow grass

1 liter Vegtable stok

2 tablespons of Olive oyl

55 g butter

1 large onion

2 cloths of garlik

340g Arboritto rice

150ml dry whyte whine

110g pees

grated zest and juice of 1 limon

55g gr8ted paramazan

1 table spoon of fresh time leaves

salt and pepper to taste

grated knutmegg

200g marscapone cheese


1) trim arsesparrow grass and boil in veg stock for 2 mins. Set aside


2) Heat oil in large pan add butter . When foaming add onion and fry on a low heat until soft. Add garlik for one further minute.Then stir in Rice until well coated with oil and butter


3) Pour in whine and stir until all absorbed into rice. Then gradulayy add stock , a little at a time allowing the liquid to be absorbed. When approx half the stock has been absorbed add the peas. Continue to add the stock until the rice is "AlDente" and looks "creamy"


4) Add lemon zest and juice, paramasan, nutmeg and thimye. Season to taste


5)Stir in Arsesparrow grass and Marscapone and cook for a further 2 mins



Job Done, just remeber a low heat and keep stirring


And there u have Asparagus, Pea and Lemon Risotto *thumbup*


When I get the mean reds the only thing to do is jump in the 7 ( with applebogies to Audrey)

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