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Thanks Mark!


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Great season Mark.


Must have been a hell of a lot of work psrticularly given your gardening and house move.


Many Thanks mate *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup*


I must also add Rob to this post. I'm sure your time and effort has been far more than we think *confused*


Cheers Rob


Edited by - simon.rogers on 18 Sep 2006 09:32:11

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Well done & thanks for all your efforts on behalf of the Club championship, during what was an extreamly busy year for you *thumbup*[u



Also big thanks to Rob for all his head scratching bleary eyed late nights updating the scores 😬 *thumbup*


Edited by - DSL on 18 Sep 2006 20:33:09

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I'd like to add my thanks too - also to Mark and Richard for their assistance and the use of Mark's mobile when I locked myself out of the car at Harewood yesterday afternoon!


A nice man in a car marked BMW Service turned up at 6.05 to assist - so it wasn't so bad in the end *smile*



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A big thank you from the Calverts too 😬 Did (most of) the events, got the t-shirt and can't wait to do it all again next year *cool*


Thanks for your hard work Mark, and thanks Rob for keeping scores *thumbup* and sharing your gazebo with those less fortunate *tongue*


Tam & Michael


Edited by - Tam on 18 Sep 2006 22:51:07

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