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Wile's Disease and Hoopyosis:

Golf Juliet Tango

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Doctors and medical scientists are often interested in these curious afflictions as they appear to be both viral in origin and yet psychological in nature. The characteristic and perpetual postings are clearly obsessive/compulsive in nature but the spread is often described as viral in nature. Some circles refer to these conditions as Chronic Repetitive Autogametic Posting.


Both diseases are marked by persistent wibble in almost every area, obstreperous PARP, considerable flaming and excessive irritation in most areas.


It is believed that the differences are in cure rather than outward display. Many attempts have been made to cure Wile’s disease, these have so far failed to effect a cure. The problem is that the attempted cures have been predominantly topical in application and thus it has been found to exacerbate the condition badly. Specialists are aware that Hoopyosis was eventually cured by the application of SWMBO, the application of SWMBO is clearly ineffective in outbreaks of Wile’s Disease. However welcome remission is obtained by international travel and denial of service.


Note: SWMBO is a potent treatment and contraindications include aero removal, diminution of the loud pedal, reduction of wibble and in extreme cases blatatrophy. Physicians advise that minor variations in SWMBO can cause dramatically different side effects.


Whilst originally chronic in nature Hoopyosis does occasionally flare up in a severe acute form, at present this is referred to as Phil’s Outbreak; these acute attacks sometimes last no more than a weekend and are often thought to be caused by the absence of SWMBO.


Milder outbreaks of Wile’s Disease are called PD’s Condition or, if in Scottingland, Snot’s Problem.


Fortunately TechTalk does not suffer from these conditions; although a few confuse outbreaks of the Help! Virus which are of similar appearance. These are actute in nature and cured by liberal applications of Chiswick, Howe or Verona. Short term remission from the Help! Virus is obtained by local application of alcohol.



GJT Crossflow

524 my secret *cool*



Edited by - Golf Juliet Tango on 1 Sep 2006 10:06:04

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I should add that the application of Salvatica Arnieca can give rise to considerable and extensive irritation. It tends to get under the skin where it can cause unpleasant swelling.


GJT Crossflow

524 my secret *cool*


Edited by - Golf Juliet Tango on 19 Sep 2006 22:39:40

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