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Not wishing to start anargument ,but..........


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Would the competition be any less?

No - after a little experimentation, it would be decided that CR500's, A048R's, or R888's,etc. were the tyre to use, and the competition would be just as close.

Would we enjoy the cub sprints any less?
No - we all drive to the limits (or what we feel are the limits) of the tyres, it's just that some tyres have different limits to others.


What might happen is that we may encourage more people to have a go at speed eventing. There must be many people using these great, list 1B, road tyres, who don't have a go because they think they need A24 compound ACB10's to be competitive.

Banning ACB10's would certainly reduce costs. I'm sure none of the alternatives cost anything like as much per mile as soft ACB10's!

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Well there's one other who thinks like me. *thumbup* class 3&5 are road class's. I haven't seen anybody using a24 ac 10 on the road yet. I used the car at MIRA. Took it home ,rolled it off the trailer and drove it to prescott on sunday.Did not have to change my wheels and tyres ( I run 048's).



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Agree Gambo

I was at MIRA on Sat with my 888s

Then I drove home.....wouldnt do 140 miles each way on sprint ACB10s, couldnt afford it. More may agree if you hadn't said "took it home, rolled it off the trailer" though.

Should be extra points for driving to events in the se7en too 😬



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I fully support this.


The competion would be just the same once everyone finds a setup that suits.


I ran 32R's in class 5 up untill 2005 (I think it was 05) when everyone else was changing to ACB's and I felt I had no option to remain competitive. I would also prefer to use one tyre for my road and track use and ban cross plies *thumbup*


I found I was only about 1-2 seconds slower with 32R's depending on the number of corners at a venue. The downside is that the scoring system is now partly based upon beating previous records which is pretty unlikley in class 3 + 5 should this move be acted upon .


I realy do think it would encourage more entrants who feel that tyres is a step too far , but entrants probably dont realise that far more time can be had from the car and driver - the gains from tyres is not that great unless you are already in the top 3-5 in class then you need that extra 2/10ths second.


but its a big move to make to ban crossplies, its the Comp Secs decison *thumbup*



Edited by - Dave Jackson on 10 Aug 2006 08:12:16

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I agree with the tyre rule *thumbup* but not about more points for not using a trailer.


The ACB's in 24 compound are not really road tyres, unlesss you can afford to change them every couple of hundred miles.


Why not follow what a number of other Championships have done and only allow radial List B's.









Edited by - TonyR on 10 Aug 2006 09:56:39

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I'm with Martin on this one 😬 - extra points for driving to the event sounds like a great idea *thumbup*. Speaking to a colleague who has been racing/sprinting/hillclimbing for years in everything from Elans to Sevens to single seaters, this actually used to be quite common. However competitors used to trailer the car to a nearby car park and then drive a couple of miles to the event to pick up their bonus points therefore defeating the purpose of the rule. I guess at least it meant the cars had to be genuinely roadgoing.

I use CR500s because I drive to events - I understand ACB10 A24 compound wouldn't last 5 minutes on the road - so would be very happy if ACB10s were banned. It might encourage a few more people to compete if they thought it wasn't necessary to trailer the car to events.

That said I'm not really a bah humbug kind of person and wouldn't dream of pushing for this. And anyway I'm toying with the idea of ACB10s for next season and begging someone else to take them to events for me *tongue* 😬.



Yellow SL *cool* #32

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I have also toyed with the idea of moving to class 4 but I'd still need to buy some new wheels and tyres as it seems there are no decent 13" list 1a tyres anymore. I'm not convinced about using 15" wheels with low profile tyres as road tyres - the ride can't be great.

Oh well, will just have to keep duelling in the middle of class 5 *smile*.


Yellow SL *cool* #32

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I use acb10 24's on the road (mainly becuase I am too lazy to change back to cr500's) and they are fine, last set did over 1500 miles plus 10 events....


I don't see any real reason why we should outlaw the use of these tyres, they are designed for the job of sprinting/hillclimbing....and that is what our championship is about....Are we not the premier series for caterhams? if so shoudn't we be using the best possible rubber....


Also with the grip the stunner boys are taking would there be any major differential in times if equivant cars ran say cr500's, and if it is a cost issue then as steve says go and play in class 2 & 4


the only way we should change is if we got tyre sponsorship as part of the championship.


as amn alternative why don't we have a class 3b and 5b for those that want to run acb10 24's..., there is certainly enough competitors in class 3 to warrant this


would you ban all acb10's or just c24's????




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I've always run 16" 205/45 profile wheels on my car and the ride is fine..... I've done over 30K miles on them.


I'll be moving to 15" 205/45 shortly, but that is just to try and save some weight. As the tyre shape is the same I don't expect any detriment in ride.


On the whole ACB argument.... I think it would become too hard to police. The rule that list 1a = 2&4 and list 1B = 3&5 is easy to de-code, and to monitor. Saying 3&5 are list 1B but excluding tyre X&Y&Z could be opening a minefield of arguments!



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Neil - you've got the extra weight to iron out the bumps *tongue*.


Rob - if I get a second set of wheels with ACB10's then you reckon I could drive to events with them fitted and still get a seasons wear out of them? I would use my CR500s for road and track days then.

Ooh..I'll have to get my credit card out then.


Yellow SL *cool* #32

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Not my most flattering side 😳.

Might take you up on that offer once you've got your 15's. I would like to see if they would fit under my front wings. Would solve my ARB clearance issues at the back as well.

Class 4 hmm....


Yellow SL *cool* #32

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Shaun - i do very little on the road these days, but last years set included a few trips to milton keynes as well as a few hundred miles running in of the engine....current set has done 6 events and about 300 road miles, they don't seem to wear out too much ont he road unless doing very spirited driving....


doubt you could get to every event as that is a lot of miles, and they are not to everyones taste as a road tyre...


I use slicks for trackdays so my cr500's are largely redundant, to be honest as the acb are better in the wet on an event than them *eek*



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I guess I could drive with ACB10s to Longcross, Curborough, Llandow and MIRA (maybe Loton as well) and see I if could get someone to take the wheels/tyres to the more distant events (Cadwell/Harewood, Wiscombe, etc.). Something to think about I guess. I suppose it would be cheaper to move to Class 4 and then not be reliant on someone else to transport my spare wheels.

Sadly a trailer is out of the question (no room, not even under the 7 in the garage) and my current car can't be fitted with a towbar (but that might change before next season). I also rather like driving to events - makes it more of an occasion somehow.


Yellow SL *cool* #32

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Maybe ban A24's or even only allow the hard compound. It's not that hard to police as long as you know the Avon numbers for each compound.


But a ban of all ACB10's would be a real PITA for cars with x-ply setups for trackdays.


Personally I think the MSA rules and tyre classes are what we should go by, even though the cost of a new set of A24's is what's stopping me enter Curborough this time.



Edited by - Alex Wong on 10 Aug 2006 12:10:08

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