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Class 1 eligibility with unsealed engine?


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I'm planning on sprinting my 05 Academy car in Class 1 next year. Unfortunately one of the MSA seals has snapped, the one on the cambelt cover. Will this give me any problems getting into class 1, and should I look to get McMillan to reseal it for me?







FH54WLX - only the car supports ManU, honest!


see here - UPDATED

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doubt you will have any problems *thumbup*


the cars are to run in acadamy spec (what ever that is *confused*), but there does seem to be some interpretation of this *eek* so in fact your car may never have been an acadmey car if it is the right spec then it is ok, e.g. I think you can run whatever list 1a tyres you want...


I suspect if you are suddenly a lot quicker questions may be asked by other class 1 boys but it is a friendly series so hopefully it won't get to that *thumbup*


all IMO

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Hooray more class 1 competitors *thumbup*

I think one's spec is more based on honesty and trust, after all you're only cheating yourself if you lie about your specification. You shouldn't have any probs whatsoever Tom, hope to see you next year *smile*


p.s. I still dont see the sense of allowing 115hp K's into class 1 but 105hp 1400k's are still slotted into class 2? A change in that could attract owners of classics into the championship as they're not totally outclassed *thumbup*

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As long as the internals remain unchanged (i.e Academy spec) you do not need to get the engine resealed for our championship. We are an honest lot but just in case someone does flout the rules we have a 'spirit of the regulations clause' where cars can be reallocated to the most appropriate class. To date this has never been invoked and I expect this clause never to be used. *thumbup*


Mark D

Comp Sec *cool*


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So presumably my 1997 roadsport with 115 bhp (actually a slightly lower spec than academy) could also run in class one as long as I have 1a tyres.


Class one could be quite busy next year *smile*



R287NBL Mobile Jaffa Cake- It's black at both ends with a smashing orangey bit in the middle

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It's completely standard, 5 speed full screen, no lsd in fact it's probably slower than an academy car because it's got all the trim in plus heater etc.


When I first read the new regs at the begining of this year I took it that as long as the car was academy spec or worse(so to speak) it would be ok , subsequently I have had that view challenged by a few pub "experts"


Not sure I am overly concerned, I'm not going for medals, just for fun but it would be nice to at least have the illusion that I am in with a chance 9obviously my driving standards would avoid any suspicions that I might be running below my class 😬

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It's completely standard, 5 speed full screen, no lsd in fact it's probably slower than an academy car because it's got all the trim in plus heater etc.


assuming its a K ? take the screen off and that will be the same spec as the car that came second in class 3 at pembrey *thumbup* *wink*



Edited by - Dave Jackson on 7 Aug 2006 11:48:05

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It is a K.


I think I am more confused than ever now, especially as the regs actually state grad or super grad spec which is way more than mine, anyway moot point as the regs may change for 2007 and whichever class I end up in I'm not intending making mods just to qualify for a certain class.


At least I have some more ammo for the pub "expert" *smile*


Edited by - Neil1202 on 7 Aug 2006 12:03:54

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It sounds like your car will be eligible for Class 1 as things stand but I should point out that we do review the regs AFTER the season has finished and these are then debated and agreed at a technical forum. This will be held after the awards lunch which is likely to be in October/November.


Whatever class you end up in its great fun *thumbup* with close competition and plenty of banter in the paddock 😬 😬


Mark D

Comp Sec *cool*


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I thought we'd been put in class 1 to give Mr Jenkins some competition *confused* It's not working so far... but at least we have him outnumbered now *tongue*


As for "standard" academy/supergrad spec, there's no such thing when it comes to trim. And quite a lot of other stuff is optional (eg. brake bias valve, non cat exhaust, rear ARB....) As long as you don't have any of the stuff that is explicitly banned in Supers (LSD, 6 speed, engine upgrade) and put it on 1a tyres, then it looks like class 1 spec to me.


The only thing that would make yours ineligible as a grads car is the heater. But I think that can be ignored under the sprit of our regs - tis hardly a performance upgrade (well unless we are planning on running Lydden in March again!)



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