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Engine rebuild and Rolling Road


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Last winter (2005) Jason built me a motor based on an R300, mapped on the dyno, it produced 214bhp and 157 ft.lbs at 6000 rpm.

I was really happy, after I had come to terms with the power hike I felt that it did feel a bit flat, not crisp, I was using a lot of fuel and according to my friends my rear end was very smelly, this sounded a bit rich.......Jason felt that the map probably needed some work on a rolling road.

I booked myself in with, Steve & Steve at Track and Road this was in march of this year

We got the car on the rollers, the Steve’s diagnosis ‘we can’t map that F****ing thing, get it back to Jason, somethings very odd’

I drove the car back to Jason’s workshop, that spoilt his day!

Normally he only works on engines but seeing as I was a long way from home (I live in France), he accepted to keep the car until it was sorted.

It appeared that the throttle bodies were completely out of sync, two cylinders were very rich and the other two appeared to have been burning coal. This may be down to not using a pedal stop, which is now fitted.

Jason, was not happy just to have the throttle bodies rebuilt, Minister have an upgrade pack (springs and stuff), he took the motor apart and re rebuilt it as a precaution.

Some weeks,if you had trouble getting hold of Jason during April and May, it was my fault !! the car went back on the rollers and after several hours, those Steve’s don’t seem to need sleep, an amazing 236 bhp and 163 lbft at 6200 rpm.


What a change, stunning acceleration and clean crisp throttle response from tick over right up to the limiter. This is the stuff I was hoping for……


A big thanks to Jason Langan Hellier Performance and the Two Steve’s at Track and Road.






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Yeah, they don't seem to need sleep. I got a call at 6pm a few months ago saying they could fit me in for some part throttle refinement, turned up at 8pm. They finished their prior job (a BTCC touring car) at 10pm, and started work on mine. Come 2am they wouldn't let me load up on the trailer but sent me out on the wet roads to check their work!




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Angus, R & T are a good at setting cars up and getting the best power form the mechanical configiuration at the day. Whats hopeless is the way they measure the power, its just not consistant day to day or car to car.


K2RUM - The car of two halveswith a hole in the engine

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I personally think you are 'out of order' for keep questioning the power outputs of 'TracknRoad' and unless you have some evidence that supports your claim I suggest you desist. I suggest you read the warning that states 'you are responsible for what you post. Don't jeopardise BlatChat by posting something which may be taken as libelous, defamatory or offensive'.


If you really want to question ther accuracy of their rollers why not get in contact with the two Steve's and discuss it with them 🤔




Mark D

Comp Sec *cool*


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Mark, You seem rather upset. I am quite happy to back up every statement I have made. I personally feel that last time I was there I failed to get any meaningful result. When I questioned some aspects of the plot, it was clear something was not correct.


As I said,


R & T are a good at setting cars up and getting the best power form the mechanical configiuration on the day. Whats hopelessly inconsistent are the figures produced when they measure the power.


K2RUM - The car of two halveswith a hole in the engine

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I am annoyed because you are repeatedly criticisng Track'n'Road on a number of threads. As far as I can see the only reason for this is because the results of your power run, when you admit there was a problem with your transmission, did not give you the numbers you were looking for.


Everyone else seems happy with their work, me included and I am sure if it was your company attracting the criticism you would not be happy especially, as they cannot respond by posting on here.


Lets leave it at that and if you feel tre need to talk about it further then talk to the two Steve's *thumbup*


Mark D

Comp Sec *cool*


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Following the situation which occurred with my engine 1 week after we met, it's pointless taking it back. Too many variables in the engine will have changed, so if I do get a different power reading, I'll not know if its the rollers or the changes I have made causing the variation.


Oh and Mark, I know I'm not alone - There is at least one other hi-sepc VX which gave equally disappointing figures.


K2RUM - The car of two halveswith a hole in the engine


Edited by - EFA on 31 Jul 2006 11:57:55

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Can I make a suggestion, Arnie now has a lot of experience with performance engines more so the Vx. All the talk of poor workmanship from both engine builders and rolling roads. Surely there must be a way of setting a workshop up, where Arnie could be responsible for its operation. That way we could all get excellent, reliable service, that Arnie strives for.
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*sigh* - dare I get involved? I was with the 'Two Steves' this afternoon (see seperate thread in a minute *thumbup* *thumbup* 😬) - I mentioned that there were a number of threads on here currently, about RR's.

Steve G gave a world weary sigh, then gave me 'his side' - to be fair to Steve, it isn't at all about sides as far as he is concerned. I'm not going to go into details simply because if I get one very slightly wrong it will be seized upon as being evidence against/for etc etc *tongue* *smile* Its fair to say that inaccuracies posted in public p*ss him off, but quite frankly he has enough customers with far more experiance and far bigger willi...sorry, cars, to worry about who can shout the loudest.


Steve admitted that, by chance, the 2 (I think) occasions that Arnie was there, various elements conspired to give results that were not optimum, both concerning the equipment and the car. He explained miss-interuptation that was going on with other engine figures etc etc, and it was all very simple, understandable and fair. He also pointed out that they would be delighted to get there hands on Arnies car again and 'do it properly'.


Far more important to me was the quality of customer who regularly use Steve to do their cars, and are more than happy with the repeatability when compared to other rolling roads that they use with 'in house' programs.


Not connected with the above, but I did hear 'Noble' being discussed, with referance to the Top Gear car....


Anyway, I'm not getting invloved any more than that, simply because I didn't write everything that was said down. It is too easy to 'blame' either an engine builder or rolling road when figures don't meet ones expecations, IMO!!!! 😬






94,000 miles -1st 1.6k Supersport, '95 Motor Show car

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