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Hot temp, high oil pressure


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Our normally very stable engine seems to be behaving a bit differently (at least at gauge level) since the rebuild.

Temp can climb high, and even at a steady even cruise on the motorway, with air flowing etc etc the temp stayed at an indicated 100 degrees (Caterham gauge) when before it never climbed above 80 degrees.

Oil pressure is bizarrely reading high - starts up at about 4 bar then would settle there, would sometimes drop to 2 bar at idle, before picking up again as soon as revs rose. Now it rises to 4 and then rises to 6 bar indicated on the Caterham gauge.

Stationary traffic has caused thetemp to show a reading of 110 degrees, drops to 100 degrees when moving.

Could this be a sticking thermostat, that is not opening - the temp rises until airflow stabilises the engine temp at about 100 degrees?

No idea what is causing the oil pressure issue, although some smoking at Abingdon might suggest piston rings, thus allowing the crankcase pressure to build up - connected?







94,000 miles -1st 1.6k Supersport, '95 Motor Show car

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I would check the coolant hoses, shotly after to see if they have an even temperaturte all round the cooling system. Sounds like it could be the stat, but the only way to check is to take it out and test.


As for the oil pressure, maybe you have just knocked the sender?

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Oil pressure most likely a dodgy connection (or dodgy sender) - if the wires get damaged and the resistance increases then the reading goes up. I guess it could possibly be the oil pressure release valve which is part of the oil pump.

The cooling problem does sound like a dodgy thermostat - an awkward job to replace ☹️.


Yellow SL *cool* #32

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What's changed from before to after the rebuild? Was the engine rebuilt as well? You have a new loom as well so I'd check the earths 1st (ensure bright metal to metal contact) & all the connections to the gauges with a meter. Is there a voltage regulater for the gauges?


The next thing of course would be new senders & maybe a new thermostat if this isn't opening correctly.


Hope this helps.




Edited by - Mick Day on 25 Jul 2006 10:08:36

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Yeah, know what you mean, but wouldexpect them to be a bit more erratic perhaps? Temps rise with bursts of revs etc - although I am more suspicious that the oil pressure thing is electrical....certainly worth checking all the (new) earths now they have had a time to settle and rattle off!







94,000 miles -1st 1.6k Supersport, '95 Motor Show car

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Surely if the temp was genuinely that high you should be suffering low oil pressure? On mine the OP at idle has been dropping to an indicated 0.9ish bar when the engine is hot, with water temp showing 80ish and oil temp 95ish.







FH54WLX - only the car supports ManU, honest!


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Sounds like a ground issue to me. Try taking the ground bolt out from the plate on the left hand side of the chassis (11mm spanners if memory serves - was upside down in there just last night *tongue*) and use some wet & dry to remove the powder coat around it, on the top surface. Clean up the contacting ring connectors and make sure it is all nice and tight. A cheap and easy thing to check first I'd have thought.


Phil Waters

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Are you turning American Phil 🤔


I thought it was only our colonial cousins who referred to it as 'Ground'. As for me, I'm sticking to the system that was around when we still had an Empire and calling it 'Earth'. *wink* 😬




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