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Once upon a time......


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someone shot her *thumbup*





































That killed that bad habit 😬 😬 So, the creosote fund was up and running and......


Dave Ardley. White Xflow with Clams

Don't point that beard at me, it might go off.

Groucho Marx

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Point of Order! *mad* *mad*


Anita CANNOT be "Already pregnant" *mad* It's impossible.


If she only takes it up the 🙆🏻 like my Wayne says she can't be, can she?


That can't get you pregnant, can it? 🤔 🤔


🤔 😳>


God I hope not............... *eek*


Edited to say - how the fluck does my Wayne know that 🤔 You wait to I get him home, dirty basterd ☹️ *mad*


Edited by - Jenny Talia on 8 Dec 2006 17:55:43

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After the recent alien abduction of Anita Beaver, several scientific questions remained unanswered.

The question is why she was returned so quickly by the Aliens?


Were they surprised to see the meat and two veg on what they thought was a woman?

Were they even more surprised that she was pregnant already, so had no specific use for her?


So many questions remained. But the sheds all had one theory about the recent goings on. She was in fact.....


Only dead fish go with the flow....

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a paranoid web based charecteur. The reason the Aliens return him/her was that despite being the first She/He they had encountered the atmosphere on the ship soon turned aggressive. When Anita realised that the world did not revolve around him/her and that he/she was infact insignificant she /he started assuming every comment was derogatory and aimed at him/her.


The resultant fall out meant that some of the crew jumped ship as the attitude was spoiling thier enjoyment of the intergalatic travels.


Finally Anita......


When I get the mean reds the only thing to do is jump in the 7 ( with applebogies to Audrey)

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Was beemed back down to earth.

Shortly after she returned to the shed to tell people of her exploits, but quickly realised that the Ash Bailey clones, were in fact the aliens who had jumped ship, and assumed the same form as the "Real" Ash Bailey. The only reason being, that the spacecraft was hoveing above the cinderford abbatoir, and when they jumped, they landed on the back panel of his 7, causing a dent.


The aliens had planted a memory in his mind (a tricky job locating it) that he had infact caused the damage himself.


On returning to the sheds, Anita was not quite sure what to do, so turned to the first shedder she met, who happened to be....



😬 😬here *eek* *eek*

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fixing on the bellhousing . "Ohhhh you dont want to be doing" that said Anita, "if your going to change the clutch whilst on the continent you realy should think about the job before hand". May I suggest we take a little lay down on the fine wooden decking over there and maybe .......



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..... we could examine my Box, as you will see it needs splitting."


One thing that had been not told was that Anita was actually a founder member of the Austin Maxi & Allegro fan club.

Her latest restoratio was a 1972 Van DenPlas and the Automatic Selector connection had been fouling a gaitor. This had given her intermittant drive.


"Now intermmittant drive is starting to be common in some things of a certain age" said an experianced Anita...




When I get the mean reds the only thing to do is jump in the 7 ( with applebogies to Audrey)

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Paddy was walking down the street and he found a sandwich with 2 wires poking out .


He called the police


they asked "is it Ticking?"


no said Paddy




































I tink its beef






Edited by - M'balz es-hari on 11 Dec 2006 10:34:28

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Is that the same Paddy who got arrested for impersonating a firework???



























He got let off when it was dark 😬


When I get the mean reds the only thing to do is jump in the 7 ( with applebogies to Audrey)

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No........ That was the chap with no arms and no legs who tried to swim the channel.......



































He was a clever dick 😬 *thumbup*


Dave Ardley. White Xflow with Clams

Don't point that beard at me, it might go off.

Groucho Marx

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Douglas Bader once went out on the p1ss.........


He got so trolleyed he forgot his legs and rolled out into the street (a bit like the Bishop of Southwark 😳)


He was arrested for..............






























Having no visible means of support and..........



















Bumming around *wink*


K16 00C - The MANGO Handbag

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But being a good guy, Doug helped Santa load his sleigh, and perform the preflight checks ready for take off.


Just before take off, there was a knock on the door.


A CAA inspector had arrived to perform a spot check.


After a thorough check everything was in order, and the CAA ispector just needed to witness Santa doing a circuit.


Santa, feeling rather nervous, climbed aboard, ready for take off.


The CAA inspector got in next to him, and placed a shotgun on the floor.


Santa was shocked *eek*


"What is the shotgun for?" asked Santa


The CAA inspector replied "I am not supposed to tell you this, but I hope you have your procedure for sudden loss of one engine during take off handy!"



😬 😬here *eek* *eek*

One of the wheels has fallen off my wagon here

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At that point santa shot the CAA inspector in the head and then headed over to Cindy Crawfords place to give her a good rogering. Whilst there, Santa noticed that.....


Dave Ardley. White Xflow with Clams

Don't point that beard at me, it might go off.

Groucho Marx

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He had wondered what the smell was for a couple of weeks,and had been baffled about where the smell of dead fish 🙆🏻 had come from.

He also wondered how it had got there, as nobody in their right mind would eat the stuff.


This led him to the conclusion that....


I like cream...

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