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Once upon a time......


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...the local community ( *eek* *eek* *eek*) and suddenly there was mass hysteria throughout shedland; What was going on? Who was the mastermind behind this chaos? How could this happen? Just as folk were trying to make sense of this awful news around the corner came Ash Bailey naked at full tilt with a gimp mask in one hand and an inflateable porcupine in the other. He was being hotly persued by a large crowd of men dressed up in dark suits with well manicured hairstyles and shopping trolleys......poor Ash had run straight into the 'Dale Winton' supporters convention and was desparately trying to evade their advances.


At this point, all shedders got out deck chairs, opened some popcorn and a bottle of beer and settled down to watch this infortunate spectacle. As Ash ran round the shed for the 15th time hotly chased by the Dale lookalikes he accidentally dropped the porcupine onto the ground and........


Dave Ardley. White Xflow with Clams

Don't point that beard at me, it might go off.

Groucho Marx

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"YUK" squeaked the porcupine and promptly commited suicide by getting dangerously close to Stinky Dave who had just finished eating a baked onion swigged down with 3 bottles of cabbage water.


The Dale look-a-like eventually caught Ash..............


Dry-sumped White Supersprint *smile*

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....and rogered him rotten over the back of a shopping trolley. It took four weeks to get the smile off of Ash's face, and in that time.......


Dave Ardley. White Xflow with Clams

Don't point that beard at me, it might go off.

Groucho Marx

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a BIG discussion took place about which charity we should give his smile to once he had finished with it. The discussion went on and on and round and round in circles without an ending.


But, in the meantime Norm's Ghost decided to do a bulk buy of shopping trolleys.............


Dry-sumped White Supersprint *smile*

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he'd found Wile7, rogered the bearded twat with the wrong end of a pineapple, cut his bearded throat with a blunt bread-knife, dissembled his white clammed 7 and rammed it piece by piece up the git's 🙆🏻hole. *tongue*


This also brought a hell of a smile to Wile's face, as for all the times he'd enjoyed in the 7, it had never occured to him how much he'd enjoy the 7 inside him... *cool*


Wonky and Stinky Dave had a plan involving marmite, a small leg of lamb, a can of castrol and a condom. The plan evolved around.......... *confused*




Edited by - Ash Bailey on 14 Sep 2006 21:08:21

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I have just re read the above and for some reason I have inexplicably targeted a young Mr Ash Bailey in the story. I unreservedly apologise to Mr Bailey, his family and any other people who know him and may have felt offended by my writings on this thread....
































That said, if they can not cope with the truth they should feck orf somewhere else 😬 *thumbup*





















PS: Anyone know how to remove GRP splinters from ones's 🙆🏻 please 🤔 *eek* 😳


Dave Ardley. White Xflow with Clams

Don't point that beard at me, it might go off.

Groucho Marx

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Dave, I am offended by your writing concerning Ash.


I have known Ash for quite some time now, shared more than a few pints with him, been on track days, several big blats with him, loads of small blats with him, hill climbs, police driver training [whilst very hung over and stinking of booze - not one of my cleverest ideas], loads of club meetings and Stella/madras frenzies etc etc.









































































































Let me assure you.


















































you haven't been nearly cruel or rude about him enough yet *tongue* *tongue* *wink* *wink* *thumbup* *thumbup* 😬


Dry-sumped White Supersprint *smile*

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As for that bearded calm bottomhole
I am always calm irrespective of what is happening around me Ash, and at this moment in time, despite the posts elsewhere concerning shedders 'bottom burps', my own bottom is decidedly calm this morning.


But thank you for asking *smile*


Dave Ardley. White Xflow with Clams

Don't point that beard at me, it might go off.

Groucho Marx

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Meanwhile when Norm stopped spinning like a top as he leapt of Anthony's merry-go-round he sent an email to Mr Ma asking if the did keyboards for fat fingers and shopping trolleys.


Mr Ma responded with a totaly incomprehensable load of gibberish proving once and for all that Mr Ma and Anthony were one and the same person.


This also confirmed that there was a dasterdly plot to...............


Norman Verona, 1989 BDR 220bhp, Reg: B16BDR, Mem No 2166, the full story here

You and your seven to The French Blatting Company Limited

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An order for the local chineese takeaway. It would appear that Mr Ma had heard of Norm's cunning plan, and decided to pay a visit to see what all the fuss was about.


Mr Ma set off....


A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand. -- Bertrand Russell

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.... but he remembered *idea* he was going to France not Dublin. So he got on the ferry, tripping over his shoe laces as he went.


When the ferry pulled out of Dover Mr Ma decided to go outside for a cigarette. As he lit up in a gale force wind and scantily clad blonde lady with exposed....


Norman Verona, 1989 BDR 220bhp, Reg: B16BDR, Mem No 2166, the full story here

You and your seven to The French Blatting Company Limited

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