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Once upon a time......


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..because the tales of Davis the Perv is too much for young and old alike. The main story is intertwined with stories within stories within stories. Some are funny (Davis and the Whale) some are sad (Davis and the Teapot) and some are downright pornographic (Davis and the Loofa). However we will have to wait till the clock strikes 9 tonight on the Sheds channel to view this fascinating sequel to Davis the Infuriating, the story of..........


Norman Verona, 1989 BDR 220bhp, Reg: B16BDR, Mem No 2166, the full story here

You and your seven to The French Blatting Company Limited

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bloody hell, we've been for a meal, I've had a Kir Breton a bottle of musadet, colonel (sorbet and vodka) and a brandy with my coffee



And not one of you bastards have continued the story,


Wonky all is forgiven, come back.


Norman Verona, 1989 BDR 220bhp, Reg: B16BDR, Mem No 2166, the full story here

You and your seven to The French Blatting Company Limited

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.... poor service at a Little Chef....


It turned out to be a simple issue. Following on from the "Its does what it says on the tin" marketting campaign Little Chef had employed Dwarfs to run the Resteraunt.

The first issue was Norman could not find a waiter until he stepped on one. The order was placed but the Short order chef could not reach the gas hob or the fryer.

This was because the ladders alowed under HSE now were too short.

The regulations were widened after the famous and ground breaking Midget Vs The Dwarf Diner Inc where Ms Midget had been climbing up her ladder to the fryer but ended up doing a half pike with back flip off the ladder and into the sink.

No damage was caused to either components but the Norwegian judge only gave 2.4 as a points score.

Claiming that the Spatular had been used as an illegal aid the judge stood his ground.

At the height of the furor the judge offered to resign for $12.50 but later rescinded the offer when he realised the International Dwarf Dwarf Conferance was coming up and he reckoned he had a chance of promotion to the comittee.


Not withstanding this incident he was still on the short list along with.....


When I get the mean reds the only thing to do is jump in the 7 (

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Norman, who after 40 years of BWFP* had been compressed to 18" height....









*battering with frying pan


ps it was a very nice meal. Cassiette of escorgot, saumon and colonel to finish, all washed down with a lovely bottle of Muscadet and followed by coffee and Brandy. I think we had something to celebrate but after that lot I can't remember what.


Norman Verona, 1989 BDR 220bhp, Reg: B16BDR, Mem No 2166, the full story here

You and your seven to The French Blatting Company Limited

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.... and 7 feet wide. This in itself was going to be a hinderance to Normans chances of making the International commitee. After all the committee door was only 4 ft wide.


However the International commite decided to give each applicant an interview.

The day came and Norman duly attended the Hotel in Littlehampton.


He knew the day went badly when he had to be interviewed from the hall outside. Some of the commitee mebers , most notably a midget from Estonia , tried to help by lifting Norman on his side and rolling the disc like Anglophile through the door. However the density that Norman now was with all this compresssion made him difficult to lift even for an Estonian who had steroids in his drinking water. All was going well with the Dwarf tipping until Normans Poodle decided to be brave and slip his Diamonte collar and have a nibble of the helpfull Estonian.

The helpfull East European jumped back in fright at the sight of a pink poodle with hair extensions mincing at him baring his teeth and tripped over Normans Man purse.


Such a curfuffell was caused that the interview descended into a farce .


A dejected Norman left the hotel and went for a walk round Littlehampton where.....


When I get the mean reds the only thing to do is jump in the 7 (

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he bumped into Bailey returning from his holidays with a bright red glow about his ugly mug .


It turned out that Bailey had been arrested on the aeroplane ont way back from Greekland for farting uncontrolably in the face of the pert blonde air steward as she passed Mrs Baileys half reheated sausage casserole across the 2 rows of seats.


Bailey was just being taken into the rear doors of the court for the hearing, Norm offered to be a character reference (as if he didnt have enough grief already ) .


Norm stood up and began :


"My lord ......

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The judge interupted (que very old joke from the 1963 book of Boys jokes)


"Stand up when Addressing me Mr Verona"


" I am said the 18" Tall Norm but I suffer from BWFP"


Ahh said the judge "I had that " but I found Arseknick cured the problem"


" *confused*" Norman was quizzical


" Yes" said the judge"I put it in her tea" 😬 😬....


The court errupted as Mrs Verona lamped the judge with one of her finest Le Crueseut FPs and then proceeded to.......


When I get the mean reds the only thing to do is jump in the 7 (

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"I'm here to say that this ere Ash bloke is OK. He bought a very nice jack and gave lots of oddles to the clubs charity, so he's awlwight in my book"


The judge was looking quizical. "I can hear the witness but where is he?"


"M'lord", said the clerk, "he's hiding at the bottom of the specially widened witness box, sir"


Widened, why is it widened?


"Because the fat bastard's 7' wide, M'lord and.............


Norman Verona, 1989 BDR 220bhp, Reg: B16BDR, Mem No 2166, the full story here

You and your seven to The French Blatting Company Limited

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ed spider that had been placed down his under crackers.


Meanwhile in a location only known to the cider fraternity PD was getting cornered by an irate tramp shouting that Delbert had.........


When I get the mean reds the only thing to do is jump in the 7 (

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