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It seems like the hot weather is making me sleepwalk around the flat. I woke up not snuggled into my pillow the other night but standing in front of the freezer with the door open. *eek*


I know that when I was a child I used to sleep walk all the time and I was found in various places, stood in the front room staring at the television, sitting in an empty bath and once I tried to open the front door and amble down the street. 😳


Any other people wander around in their sleep? *smile*





The life and soul of Mumbles



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OOOh yes


Ask Boonie about the night I pushed him out of his bed, because I wanted to sleep there.

I've got into a cupboard.

The telly thing to, watching with my eyes shut *eek*

I teach in my sleep!

Once had to be stopped, by waking me up, as I was about to throw the music system in our bedroom across the room.


Troubled 😬



Red and Black 1.8K


Edited by - WindyMiller on 20 Jul 2006 10:19:55

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Whilst I am not aware of sleep walking I have gone to bed a little confused and forgotten where the bathroom is.


This has included a young ladies wardrobe and out of a bedroom window on to a queue of comutors waiting for a bus.

The last thing they expected was a golden shower whilst waiting for the number 65 to Richmond and the Dry cleaning bill was rather high 😬 😳 😬



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Only when exceptionally tired and emotional following a little too much of the falling down water. I have had to be dissuaded from leaving through the front door at my parents house and using the lawn as a a bathroom. Not my fault that they live in a bungalow and that's where the bathroom is in our house! 😳


Het nemen van mijn Caterham aan Holland

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Hmm He doesn't live in the depths of Surrey does he by any chance?


Usually associated with Wales, but it is a distant myth, tends to be spotted in certain parts of England instead.





The life and soul of Mumbles



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Go on Viv whisper it to me.....he he


Hmm in my stumbles around the flat last night I managed to spill half a bottle of orange squash on the floor, send loads of drying washing up on the floor, stub my toe and say the f word about 50 times. *eek*


I swear Alex is like that chap off the Pink Panther films and has booby trapped my flat, either that or I should be renamed Ozzie the second.





I deal with spanners on a day to day basis.


The life and soul of Mumbles



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He has already suggested that! *eek*....of course for my own protection. I am considering my options at the moment! 😳


*wink* *wink* *wink*



I deal with spanners on a day to day basis.


The life and soul of Mumbles



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watch out Pickle his rope work is pretty good and he has at least one karabiner that holds.


I can confirm that Windy indeeds sleeps walks in odd ways.


Apparently it's a family trait - I sleep talk. Mum says me and Windy would have conversations in our sleep on caravan holidays....probably something like how can we get out of here.

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I am quite used to being tied up in knots Boonie 😳, nothing a bit of WD40 can't get me out of Anyway he knows better not to....I will get the gaffa tape out if he does. *wink*







I deal with spanners on a day to day basis.


The life and soul of Mumbles



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