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Tales of Mufasa

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Ello peeps!! Long time no hear/ speak!!


Mrs GTD....will get on with arranging Ferries very soon for October!! I may have to buy a new car before then too....may have to trailer the car over in case of engine failure at Spa 😳 😳 😳


ello Lynne.....!!!!

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R400 still content to widdle down his leg despite having stickers waved in his face as some sort of encouragement to plllleeeeeeaaaaaasssseeee use your potty - but he has now taken to ordering other children to use theirpotty when they wee on the floor....case of do as I say not as I do.


So it seems he does take after me - knows what he and other people should be doing but still carries on his own merry way.


But on the cute side he now starts to talk to me on the phone while I'm at work-shouting daddy, daddy, daddy and apparently clapping before telling me about the dog, birdies etc.


naPP - we should invent toddler to english phrase book - make thousands.


E.g Cuddle means - pick me up and carry me, this bear, the bear's friend and this blanket downstairs - not because I want a hug - but I can't be bothered to do it myself this morning.

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Latest from the Boonie household - hot off the phone from Mrs B.


R400 has managed to wee on our piano - yep, that's right, in the time it took Mrs B to look round for the phone, R400 had pulled out the piano stool, climb from that onto the lid of the piano where he stood and then had a good wee - while Mrs B was rushing to get him down. Apparently he even nmanaged to get some into the actual keyboard.....some days, I'm glad to be at work.

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Boonie - I'm so sorry but that made me laugh! Then I got to the bad dream bit... *eek* What an emotional rollercoaster this is! Wire the piano to the mains, that'd give him something to dream about~!


Het nemen van mijn Caterham aan Holland

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Hi Dannyboy


Looking forward to seeing you at our funny Dutch house in October. Apparently it gets pretty nippy here, added to which this house has the wierdest floor - perfect for flat flooring I'd say - so bring your slippers! *wink*


Mrs GTD - Lady of Leisure


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Yes, my eldest used to have bad dreams, and then come down stairs (still asleep) and relate the story......when he woke up, blamed me for telling him bad bed time stories.



Told him that the dreams were everything he did during the day, got ALL jumbled up and came out funny when he went to sleep.....couldnt think of anything else to tell him.


Norman Verona, 1989 BDR 220bhp, Reg: B16BDR, Mem No 2166, the full story here

You and your seven to The French Blatting Company Limited

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Boonie, as much as I'd like to take credit for above, it was Lynne posting on my machine.


Take that bitch.


I was almost 100% absent in bringing up our kids. I left for work at 5am and didn't get home till gone 7pm. Six and a half days a week.


When HM says she can't do something that I've asked her to do - like dig out 9ft bull rushes. I remind her that each to his own and what an excellent job she did in bringing up our two.


At the risk of being sexist I truly believe women are far better tune in to bringing up chidren than us mere men.


Norman Verona, 1989 BDR 220bhp, Reg: B16BDR, Mem No 2166, the full story here

You and your seven to The French Blatting Company Limited

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Oooh we had a corker tonight.


For dinner, we decided to have a take-away Indian curry (lots of different dishes, etc). At the end, Mrs Pat got a tupperware dish and put all the leftovers in, for lunch tomorrow. Mrs Pat went to the other side of the kitchen to get a lid.


Mufasa immediately ran over to the table, grabbed the dish and flung it to the floor, sending curry flying to all corners of the kitchen *eek* *eek* *eek*


Boy was he popular *wink*


Poopoo-san and his not quite black and white cat

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No ifs Boonie, you know you would love to go through this all again, I know we have enjoyed it, brings back such happy memories *smile* *smile* *smile*


just and idea, you could build a shed just for the little one, no doors or windows and bring him/her out when they are 21 (hehehehe) only kidding *smile* *smile*


Lynne(HM). Chief Cock and Bottle Washer @ The French Blatting Company Limited


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  • 10 months later...

Reading some of Boonie's recent tales of R400 has encouraged me to dig out some of our early tales with R400 and young Mufasa - and maybe provide some recent updates *wink*


I was racing at Donington earlier this month, and for the first time we hired a motorhome. I left my mobile charging overnight. I was woken at 06:28 on Sunday morning to find young Mufasa speaking contentedly into my mobile (he now sleeps in a bed, and was free to roam). I discovered that he was on his third call, having already called the mobile of the poor sod who sold me a trailer last year, and both the home and mobile numbers of one of the partners in the firm where I work - she was enjoying her discussion with Mufasa very much *eek* 😳 *eek*


Last weekend, he once again managed to nab my mobile early on Saturday morning, and called the managing partner of our Cyprus office 😳 *eek* 😳


Still entertaining 😬


Poopoo-san and his not quite black and white cat

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😬 😬 😬



There was carnage in our house yesterday - R400 decided he was going to bed nude...no problem...went to the toilet and told his mum that his poo was stuck and wouldn't come out. Mrs B duly looked in the pan and no poo. Off R400 skips upstairs and decides to go hide under the duvet in our bed as a game before getting into his.


Mrs B plays along...pulls back our duvet to find R400 and the bed clothes are smeared with the old chocolate crayon...you guessed it the poo had come out but stuck in a place neither r400 or Mrs B could easily see.


New Duvet cover and bath time for R400.


He did have the cheek to suggest Daddy had pooed in the bed.

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