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Tales of Mufasa

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Some of you may recall that the youngest nappie, little Mufasa, is now in his terrible twos. I am only now realising that, whilst I thought that nappies 1 and 2 were terrible, they had nothing on Mufasa.


I have decided, by way of therapy, to share some of our experiences.


Today's excitement:


Mufasa has decided that he prefers to go commando, and has taken to ripping his nappy off as often as possible. If he can't manage that, he sticks his hands down the front, has a good poke around, and then extracts his hands. So it is that Mrs napp discovered today that Mufasa had done a very large poo.


Mufasa also discovered coal for the first time today. He also discovered that it is fun to sit in the coal bucket, then sit on the white sofa.


Mrs napp went shopping today. Due to the heat, she stripped Mufasa down to his nappy in his buggy. In W H Smith, Mufasa discovered that he is able to remove his nappy without leaving the buggy. Hearing giggles from other customers, Mrs napp looked down to discover a naked Mufasa, merrily playing with himself.


Mrs napp is really looking forward to tomorrow *wink*


Poopoo-san and his not quite black and white cat

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Sounds like the little boy who lived next door to me a while back, who shoved his hand down his nappy and then smeared it all over my mum who was holding him at the time.


The little boy also wrecked his parents home by locking himself in the bathroom and ramming as much toilet paper down the toilet and all the plugholes as he could muster, then turning the taps on full whack. The place was flooded within minutes and said boy was very chuffed with himself as he floated and waved through the window at his parents, who were desperately trying to get the hinges off the bathroom door.


He also wrecked their kitchen by getting everything out of the kitchen cupboards and making a cake out of all the things he found on the kitchen tiled floor. Vegetable oil, flour, cereals, pasta and so on...when mother came in, she was met with a little cheery grin and handprints over everything. *biggrin*When she ran to him to give him what for, she slipped on some vegetable oil, landed on her back and had to be carted off to hospital as she injured her back. *eek*


Ah kids you got to love em!






The life and soul of Mumbles



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And today's update:


Step 1: remove all clothes and nappy

Step 2: wee on the [carpet]/[sofa]/[bed] - delete as appropriate

Step 3: run in to the kitchen shouting "wee wee"

Step 4: once you have Mammy's attention, run away as fast as possible

Step 5: watch as Mammy tries to find the wet spot

Step 6: return to Step 2




Poopoo-san and his not quite black and white cat

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Having succcesfully avoided producing another since Delberta some 12 years ago I had forgotten the rich tapestry of smells and textures a infant can produce.


As I am currently residing in a friends house where my 3 year old God dorter is also allowed to reside I have been reminded of the pleasures of the overnight nappy when she runs in at 5.30 in the morning to greet "Uncle" Delbert.


So picture the scene, one ancient Delbert , asleep with his iron lung attached. She now taps on the mask until i awake then sits on my pillow with the super absorbant kilo of Piss right by my nose.


Her parents love this cos they get an extra hour in bed before I send her to them


Joy of Joys. 😬 😬



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First day of potty training.


R400 - has discovered his winky (well thats what the midwife called it) and has taken - when we can convince him the potty is his friend, to almost standing on his hands so he can look through his legs at it then give it a good prod. He then of course gets up and widdles on the carpet/ dog/ grandparent...


Who ever said kids do not like to be wet lied - R400 loves peeing in his pants and then just moving on or removing them.


Boy you don't half feel daft when he does manage to go on the potty praising him really loudly so the whole neighbourhood can hear. day one and about 8 sets of pants down - one pair lasting a minute. And I took a week of work for this....still you can't help loving em.


naPP - expect a frantic phone call for tips 😬


Edited by - Boonie on 20 Jul 2006 00:06:51

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Mufasa discovered that he is able to remove his nappy without leaving the buggy. Hearing giggles from other customers, Mrs napp looked down to discover a naked Mufasa, merrily playing with himself.

Sounds like normal Davis behaviour to me *tongue*........well played Mufasa 😬 *thumbup* *thumbup*


Dave Ardley. White Xflow with Clams

ars est celare artem - That's why I have the Clams 😬

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Yesterday, he did his first wee in the potty *thumbup*


Unfortunately, followed by 8 separate wees on the carpet/kitchen floor in the space of 10 minutes *wink*


He has also discovered a very clever trick to deal with the fact that we go on high alert when he removes his nappy. He now just reaches inside his nappy and 'adjusts' himself so he is pointing upwards (but not obviously so). He can then wee out the top of his nappy, as if by magic, at a time of his choosing *biggrin*


Poopoo-san and his not quite black and white cat

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New keyboard 😬 😬


Bless em.


R400 was running with his just filled potty the other day with me running behind - he stumbles, pours several puddles onto the tiled kitchen floor at which point I slip and go 🙆🏻 of apex as I tried to right his potty. All the time having to praise him for taking his potty like a big boy to the toilet while wondering whether the pain in my back will stop.

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A little help here me thinks, dont do - as we did - potty train at Christmas time when visiting relations. Had spent three days training my daughter to use the potty, take her to aunts where we find about another dozen relatives and friends present.


Put potty nicely in the corner and show this to Tanya..... theres a good girl we say here's your potty.


Afternoon tea is served. Im in the kitchen making more tea when this aroma from the lounge hits me.....and there is my nearly two years old, potty in hand, going round to every person in the room showing off the contents and waiting until each person applauds before moving on!!!!!


The aunt concerned still reminds Tanya of this *smile* *smile*


Lynne(HM). Chief Cock and Bottle Washer @ The French Blatting Company Limited


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😬 😬


Pat I think Mufasa and R400 may be talking to one another. R400 has now started taking his nappy off at night. Found him this morning naked pointing at the nappy saying wet - then obviously shunned the potty in the hope of a new nappy.


Do you think we should start monitoring the phone?


Keep the tales coming - its nice knowing I'm not alone and I did laugh out loud at the last few postings.

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Going away on vacation and leaving your child at home? This is a must get. Each day the baby cage feeder releases the necessary amount of food it should eat automatically to whatever you set. 3 meals a day, or one large output? It's up to you.


😬 😬 😬


Het nemen van mijn Caterham aan Holland

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Lynne 😬


Boonie, happy to oblige *cool*


Let's move away from wee and poo for a moment.


Last week, young Mufasa found the crisp cupboard. Mrs napp found him on the sofa, demolishing a bag of crisps that he had liberated and ripped open.


Yesterday, he found his way into young Pat's schoolbag, and was chomping on a glue stick *eek*


This morning, Mrs napp found out that Mufasa has worked out how to lower the volume on the cooker's timer to silent. Regrettably, she didn't discover this in time to save the garlic bread *wink*


Poopoo-san and his not quite black and white cat

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