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Shesley Walsh - feedback for the MAC

Mark Durrant

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I intend to write to the MAC to thank them for inviting us to yesterday's event and would like to include some quotes from those who either competed or spectated yesterday. I am keen to build on the good work Brian Lyall has already done on building a good relationship between the MAC and the club in order that we can look at increased entries in future years *thumbup*


Mark D

Comp Sec *cool*


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This venue has got the lot, its a cracking location 😬 😬 & the chance to participate at a venue with a 100 year history should always be considered special.


The first two corners kennel & crossing require a hell of a lot of commitment & big balls 😬 😬to carry the speed up the hill, brake as late as you dare, then into the more tecnical top & bottom S, which presents their own challenges, just a shame its all over so quickly 😬 😬


Can't wait to go again & try to dip into the 29 sec bracket *tongue* 😬


Well done Mark & team for getting us there this year, look forward to more of the same next year *thumbup* *thumbup*

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Many thanks to you, Brian and Graham for managing to get us into such a great place *thumbup*

When you first see the hill, and walk it, there is no doubt it is steep, but it looks deceptively simple. Driving it for the first time it is difficult to remember much of what happened, but it is far from simple! It certainly takes a different level of belief and commitment through kennel and crossing to get a good time, especially as it all happens so quickly. I can't wait to go back and try again. The organisation of the event was superb and it hugely impressed some Australian visitors who had helped run a national championship hillclimb near Adelaide.

I now understand why it is regarded as such a special place.



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Again, to echo the comments above, Many thanks to Brian and MAC for a superbly organised event! Well done Mark/ Graham in forging relations!


Yep, definately looked fairly simple on walking the hill....however, braking points, off camber exits and some intimidating banks really keep your concentration!


A fantastic venue, wonderfully organised...Jeez...how quickly did they get the batches through *thumbup* *eek*


I'm already looking forward to next year!


Dannyboy *tongue*


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Thanks to Brian, Graham and Mark for our first invitation to Shelsley Walsh.


I’ve been there before as a spectator and always thought it had the sort of special atmosphere that you only find at venues with the right sort of history. Saturdays meeting was no different and to experience the atmosphere as a driver along with the other sprinters in the club was indeed a very special day.


Walking the course in the morning confirmed it was both steep and tricky with camber to assist in places and to hinder in others if you were slightly off line, the margin for error looked to be somewhere between small and non existent. The first run seemed to be over before it began and even driving relatively conservatively the corners appeared far quicker than the course walk had indicated.


The huge variety of machinery on display in the paddock made for a fascinating day as a spectator and we spent time both at Crossing and the start line soaking up both the sights and the sunshine. The organisation of the entire event was faultless and the timing detail available via their computer system gave us all something to digest.


The timed runs were terrifically close with our class not being alone in having the first three places separated by just three tenths of a second. Everyone I spoke to throughout the day was having a great time, the line up of sevens in the paddock garages looked in keeping and Brodie’s record breaking run while representing the club was the highlight of a simply wonderful day.


Thanks again




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yes a big thanks to all


I may have misheard but I thought the announcer said that the austin 7's had been trying to get invited for 13 years, if that was true big *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* to all who got us in


would love to go back next year *thumbup*


Great venue, steeped in history and atmosphere, the facilities where excellent *thumbup*


the paddock had a kind of buzz , maybe it was the breadth of machinery or the friendlyness of everyone *thumbup*



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I agree with all the positive sentiments *arrowup*. Would love to go back, but.....cake and eat it time...........


The only "negative" for me was that all of our usual chums couldn't get entries. The inclusive nature of our championship and the cameraderie that it generates are fundamental to a lot of people's participation. I'm sure we all recognise how prestigious this venue is, and to a large degree we have to take what we're offered (and lucky to get that), but if there's any way of pulling the proverbial rabbit out of the hat so that we can get sufficient entries for all, things would be perfect. I know that's a big ask, so I guess we'll all have to keep our expectations to realistic levels, but worth a thought.....


Andy N.

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