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Tyre choice for Heyford Academy Day


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I am torn between two lines of thought;

Put the wooden 15" pileups on. ? They have survived 2 Dunsfold Days without any damage.

Run with the 14" AO21Rs and get the grip, more progressive handling and higher speeds. ?

Waddya think 🤔 🤔 🤔

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Be tempted to do what JaseB says!! 😬 You won't wear the tyres as much as a track day, so 21's would be fine, and obviously give you more grip - bit of both will give you more fun, for sure, but it depends what you want from the day - a 'true' feeling for what your car does under various conditions - in which case go for either tyre, but don't mix....or a hoon 😬

Certainly the hard tyres on the back will make the oversteer bit more fun!!

Drive there on the 21's, take 2 pileups to put on when you are there - keep your options open?




91,000 miles -1st 1.6k Supersport, '95 Motor Show car

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Oright here's another thought;

I could put 15" ZV1s on the back and be a bit in between *idea*

Then 21s for the timed.

*idea* but then I wouldn't have "felt them" *confused*

wot abaht doin a number of academy days wiv all the possible combos *idea*


Edited after more thinking


OK It's comin to me now;

1, I want to use the day to aquire/improve driving skills.

2, I want to keep on good rubber now (21s/48s etc) I've realised what rubbish hard tyres are (on a 7 )

3, There's little point in learning to control the car with Pilots on then changing to superior and different characteristic rubber.

4, I'm not inclined to waste the day trying to wear some old rubber out.


So I think it's 21s all round.

Is that a sound argument 🤔


Edited by - susser on 2 Jul 2006 10:14:55

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yes - as I mentioned, if your intention is to learn about how your car handles under various conditions, then it makes sense to use the tyre set up you will most likely to be using on the road, or for 95% of your driving. As you say, you can always do another Academy day later and go with the 'hooning' option - thats what we did! *smile*

You will have a fantastic time whatever you put on the car to be honest, and actually, changing wheels between events might have been a bit of a pain, as access to the car park is difficult if other events have started....good choice this time. *thumbup*




91,000 miles -1st 1.6k Supersport, '95 Motor Show car

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Martin B

You're right on the money with that one. *thumbup*

Thanks to you and Alan for getting me over that "activation energy" barrier kind of thing.

I hope you both had a pleasant drive home.

And thanks again. *thumbup* *thumbup*

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Nuther vote for the 021s. Build up your confidence on those. Save the pilots for a Dunsfold day, or

another academey day. Don't spend all day swapping tyres, adjusting setup etc., just have loads of

fun. The oversteer bit was a real eye opener (did it last year on ZV1s) - just how easy it is to lose the

back by lifting. Don't spin off on the circuit bit at the end, as they won't let you back on!


Good last session at Snetterton, though I did manage to spin at the chicane. Offside front locked up again.

No damage done. Tiring drive home - 3 1/2 hours of track time was 😬 😬 😬 - will go back there again.





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