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Shelsley Walsh


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Hi Guys,


As promised a few tips for Saturday - most of these are in the Final Instructions which I am sure you have inwardly digested....


- Be there early, the paddock is relatively cramped, ideally unload trailers in the field. There can be a lot of congestion. Remember no towcars can be left in the paddock at all so you need to take tools etc into the paddock. A paddock location map is on display at the signing on hut.


- Walk the course. It takes quite a while and a lot of effort! If you are feeling peckish you can always pop in for a bacon and brie roll from Alan Richards (MIRA!) at bottom S on the way down... Its unlikely that you will walk all the way up the straight to the finish paddock. So please note that the track turns quite sharply to the right once you enter the finish paddock. Many newcomers to Shelsley fail to notice this.


- third set of numbers on the nosecone, can be smaller


- get your car scrutineered as soon as possible. They come round in signing on order.


- Once you are scrutineered you need to put your name down for practise batches by going to the back of the signing on hut. If its dry every one wants to put thenmselves into the earlier batches, if its wet then everyone wants the later ones in the hope it drys up. You need to leave a gap between practise runs so don't put yourself down to practise in batches 3 and 4 - do 3 and 5 instead for example. having an early practise means you can watch others either from the paddock or by venturing up to the spectator areas of the hill.


- the paddock marshals are very efficient and do come and get you when its your batch - listen to the tannoy too.


- Enjoy the food in the restaurant area next to the paddock - they do do sandwiches and some salads as well as the more traditional fried fayre.


- You can see your times in the hut in the paddock at the top of the hill and also on the computer screens next to the restaurant in the paddock area.


- Vodafone/O2 mobile phones don't work anywhere except in the top return paddock at Shelsley. Orange seems to be OK everywhere.


- The Shelsley Walsh track looks deceptively simple. There is no run off. In the wet it is treacherous everywhere. In the dry the exit from Top S is the place where the back end always steps out - just make sure it doesn't hit the bank there or the sleepers etc elsewhere! The hill has its own weather too and it can be different at the top to the bottom...!


- When returning down the hill and into the paddock it is quite normal for there to be a bit of congestion as the cars sort themselves out. Please go slowly in the paddock. If you are dual driving remember to turn into the dual drive paddock - the first turn into the paddock area.


- Best spectating places beyond the start line are the benches just before bottom S. From there you can see a large proportion of the hill and the superb countryside in general.


- If anyone wants to come and say hi they can find me in the Farmyard area just by the start line. Also in the odd Jag seen going up and down the hill....


- Enjoy youselves and soak in the atmosphere. Lets hope everyone has a great day - and we might get invited back again.....




Clerk of the Course

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Brian, as a spectator and new MAC member I just wanted to say thanks for the comment about Vodafone coverage - I thought it was my handset being funny.


My wife's phone (on the Virgin network) gets a signal everywher at Shelsley.

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Thanks Dave for the Ps et al. I forgot to mention the garages which are quite tight.


As for a route there I head to M5 J7 follow the ring road south and then head into Worcester and out again twards Martley. Trouble is I know the way not the road numbers! The roads are nicer on that stretch for a good blat! If you follow the signs from M5 J7 there is a very long period where there are no signs and you just feel you must have missed something. You haven't - keep going - and you will come to the right turn towards Martley and the road that Dave describes as very steep - it is and very windy too.



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