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ZeNA has been released


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By her evil Teleyin captor.......


However a ransom had to be paid so I exchanged the Smogersblat "Sven" for her release.


Whilst she had been treated well I am sure she has been chained to a radiator..

Anyway shes off on a recouprative tour of Europe in the morning..


The lands of Switzingerlanders, Cheese eating surrender monkeys, Pasta Munchers and Bratworst sexers.


And for those footingball office er nadioes I'm going to Baden Baden on my way to the Nordschilffe


So See you in a fortnight or so



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Del? *confused*


I do hope you have fun on the way to, in and on your return from Helvetica.


Don't leave any processed pork products unsampled (don't bring any back for me!) and monster the odd Porsche - show them who is King of the Mountains (if only for a weekend)



Celerior quam currus festinans...

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Will do, but I might miss the processed Pork this year as I'll be on the cake like you were *thumbup*

And thanks for the info in the other place.

Maticulous planning over the Easter and left it all on the Home PC which doen't fit in the Bus Shelter.


Its really nice this morning a Transit van full of Pret a Manger sandwiches has been delivering Breakfast and the mobile Libary has lent me some books.

(Granted Big Alfie, well I think thats his name he is big Ginger and from Dundee *eek*) is studying the sandwich with a complete fascination and focus . Meanwhile he is eating the book 😬




Edited by - Delbert on 28 Jun 2006 09:38:28

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It's outrageous. David Cameron revealed today that the so-called homeless are abusing our social security system, taking foreign jaunts in sportscars when the decent man in the street can barely afford to go to Butlins these days. Tony Blair denied the charges, claiming that under the Conservatives 13% more sportscar owners lived in poverty, and that in fact Toblerone consumption by the poor has dropped by 26% under New Labour. The Mail says that decent home owners on their holidays should not have to face this kind of riff raff in the bars of Europe.




Het nemen van mijn Caterham aan Holland

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😬 😬 😬 😬


I seem to have inherited Alfies Dog at the moment he is having a Rage at a bin just outside Odbins.

Apprently, or so I can descifur the Bin was looking at him in an aggressive manner.


Hey Ho. I had a really nice chat with a lentil saleman and he has given me a Hemp shirt and some really comfortable Sandals for my holiday 😬



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You Liberal minded Home owners.....


Think that salves your conshunounce.. Pah


Ihope you are comfortable tonight while I'll be sitting in my seven without a roof blasting through some rural idyl


Remeber you were roofless once


😬 😬 😬 😬



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  • Area Representative

Have you thought about wearing the dog to keep warm?
















Or eating it to stave off hunger?














Or is it with you just to ensure the donations are better?

PS: Why do all the homeless have dogs with them?

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