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Thanks Geoff and team

tricky dicky

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I agree - thanks very much to all who helped organise the day. It wasn't the blazing sunshine of last year, but the challenge of driving on the changeable dry/damp/wet surface was still enjoyable.

I also saw what great support the club can provide with several people very generously helping Steve H after his last minute slip. (Hope you got/get home OK!)



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Great day learning to be smooth (I wish) 😬


Thanks to the guys in pit 18 who push started me when I got the dreaded click (this has got to be sorted 🙆🏻)


Re Steves off. It was nose cone & rad (hopefully nowt more) it just shows what a great bunch of guys you are with the offer from another member of a trailer lift to a replacement rad 40 miles away.



C7 TNT - it's Dynamite!(Honda Irish Green and Peugeot Graphite grey)


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and thanks from me too. very enjoyable day despite the weather. other drivers i came accross on track were also impeccably courteous etc so big *thumbup* all round.


the wildlife (narrowly missed one squirrel and one rabbit, must try harder next time....) scampering across track at the entry to the first coner after start finish straight was an added bonus... 😬

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Dave; you weren't the only one to have wildlife moments - I was first out after lunch and got to Druids to find about 50 bunnies on and around the track. Druids is hard enough without critters all over the place!


Another vote of thanks to Geoff tho - impeccably organised as usual. But can you have a word with Dave Jackson's sunshine supplier for next time please *tongue*



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Yep, I’d like to concur with what has already been said, thanks to Geoff and the team for an excellent day- which given the weather conditions was nothing short of an amazing achievement.


My thoughts go out to the involved in the minor mishaps ☹️- Oulton is so unforgiving and I’m sure everyone must have had a moment or two……. I know that I did. I hope the damaged cars are up and running soon.


Agree with Andy about Druids- no matter what I tried it seemed to be an understeer / oversteer experience. Mind you being first through behind the Blue Group driver as he shed his dry-sump belt approaching Lodge was also an experience. I was thinking ‘is it getting more slippery or is my driving getting worse….’- I just saw the smoke trail in time to get off the slick before the corner *eek* *eek*! I hope the damage wasn’t too bad.


We stayed in Cheshire overnight and drove back today- to be greeted by our neighbours telling us that yesterday was a gloriously sunny day down here- I’m sure its something about Oulton!


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I would like to add my thanks to Geoff and the team for organsing a great day at Oulton Park. My first time on a circuit in this car and the combination of the weather and the track certainly kept me entertained !
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Geoff and the team *thumbup*

as ever, many thanks *thumbup* *thumbup*


Grip, I don't know about Druids *confused*

I couldn't find grip anywhere ... though it didn't stop me trying 😬


JAP suggested there was a dry line before lunch *wink*

*cool* "needs some glasses!" *cool* *cool*


A10ROX:OK, its an R500 without the magnesium bits sump etc and only 205bhp!

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Darren ''Mind you being first through behind the Blue Group driver as he shed his dry-sump belt approaching Lodge was also an experience''

Ahh! that now fits, I remember seeing a broken belt on the track just after the Yoko footbridge, thinking someone has lost an alternator belt.......I then found the oil at Lodge, before the warning flags had appeared *eek* *eek*


Great day, just as much fun in the wet as dry, just different!




Edited by - Englishmaninwales on 28 Jun 2006 18:52:17


Edited by - Englishmaninwales on 28 Jun 2006 18:53:29

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I'm humbled by the selfless generosity and support of club members. It was me (alias Steve H) who had the off 5 laps or so from the end of the last session ☹️ and having driven the car up from Worcester that morning faced the dilhema of how I was going to get me or car home.

I was towed back to the paddock to find only the last few stragglers remaining but within moments Stuart had brokered an emergency replacement rad from Andy (Andy was still at work at this point!) and Paul from Aberdeen volunteered to unload his car, and trailer my fluidless car to Andy's with Stuart leading the way and me driving Pauls car at the rear.

On arriving at Andy's, the car was unloaded into the garage, refreshments delivered and the rad changed in record time, even filled with the proper Coldstream! *wink*. The guy's, ever thorough, insisted on bringing the car up to temp and checking there were no airlocks and that the fan worked, before I was sent on my way.

Suffice to say the car cruised back down the M6 and M5, 70(ish)mph all the way without missing a beat at a constant 65 deg temp.


A big thank you again to all involved (incl Alan for the offer of an overnight stay if needed, and Stuart who had offered to take the rad off his own unfinished car if necessary!). I have contact numbers and will contact you all in the next few days.


I did have a good day despite the weather, made some new friends, and whilst it turned out to be a little more expensive than I'd planned (new nose and rad), it could have been so much worse and a logistical nightmare without club member support.


PS - Shame no one had an aqua lung to lone me for the journey home (but I'm sure someone would have if I'd asked) - rain and spray just North of Wolverhampton tried to submerse the car. Seems a day where water in and out the car played a big part in my day!

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Just want to add my thanks as well to Geoff (hope the swelling goes down soon *eek*) for another great day well organised *thumbup*. The weather wasn't too kind and I was still looking for the grip when I dropped off to sleep (last night). Had a bit of a wake-up call just over the crest at Clay Hill heading into Druids but with a lot of luck and very little judgement got it back together again before tyres and tarmac became distant memories. Some while later, nether regions were allowed to relax again and normal service was resumed.


I would also like to add my voice to those expressing what a great club this is and my appreciation for the willing help offered yesterday. I was the p1((ock that forgot the spare helmet for my guests and what could have been a disaster was saved by not one but two offers of a loan. I'm afraid I didn't make a note of your name but many thanks for the spare helmet.



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