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I have found Heaven


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I had never been in a Starbucks before. I stopped at one in Hong kong a couple of weeks ago. As a place to perch watching totty go by it is probably rather good.


As an establishment it is over hyped, feckin' confusing and expensive. When I finally made a decision ( *confused*) and took what was closest to a white coffee with sugar I stood for 10 minutes until the girl told me my coffee arrives 'over there' at the end of the counter *mad* Of course my coffee had been chucked away because it was cold *mad* *mad* *mad* So they offered me the 'special' which was a bananna flavoured something or other with whipped cream. Sounded, er, different and as it was twice the price I said ok; another 5 mins later it arrived and it was feckin' on ice *mad* *mad* *mad*


Feck em. People moan about McD's but at least a coffee is a coffee.........I might have well have spanked the monkey - at least I knew what I would have been getting *thumbup*


Dave Ardley. White Xflow with Clams

ars est celare artem - That's why I have the Clams 😬

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Edited by - Wile7 on 23 Jun 2006 18:39:43

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Can't and won't get a credit card *mad* No Starbuks ripoffcoffeeshyte place nearby either thankfully 😬


You have self service petrol stations in Blighty? crikey...is there an online guide as to how to use these somewhere?


Dave Ardley. White Xflow with Clams

The Bearded Clams

King Clam Of Clam Hill!

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