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w*nker reversed into my nose...


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AR7E 🙆🏻


Went away to play a bit of golf, left the 7 at home due to the brake-pad incident on Wed - picked the car up to take it to a fellow 7'r who could lend me the tools and experience to help me change the pads....


...noticed that some wa*ker had reversed into my nosecone whilst I was playing golf and smashed it up a bit *mad* *mad* *mad*


I had parked it near a vets -so some biddy in a 4x4 has evidently been more concerned about Rover than my cat... (ho, bloody ho!)




Anyone know somewhere to repair a std. black nosecone, or got one for sale (cheap!)





Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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Join the club. Mine got bashed at the pub a few weeks ago, probably by a group of builders who working in the area for the whole time i was in the pub. When asked on return if they saw anything, I just got a shrug and a 'dont know mate!'


Mine was carbon, so has hasn't been replaced yet due to cost *mad*

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had that myself....at a pub, but i saw the bloke driving down the road, so i got in the car dukes of hazzard style and went like f**k after him, once i got behind him he just knew he would get away with it and pulled over 😳.


not nice i know!


my is carbon, insurance bill was over £1000 i think?!


was there any cctv around?





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I just received my cheque from NIG (Courtesy of MSM - Dave Spragg) for the replacement CF nosecone after a woman reversed into me in Germany.


I'm going to explain what happened because I'm still a little miffed and it might get if off my chest:


Pulled into petrol station behind Astra. she stopped early so I'm only just off the road, but still on the pavement... then she starts reversing. I can hardly reverse myself because I'd end up back in the road so I simply hit the horn with my left had while I gesticulated wildly with my right.




When we managed to get German/English interpretted she explained that she didn't see me because we were so low... but I could clearly see her in her door mirror. Obviously she hadn't discovered what it was for and didn't think it important to check around when someone was blowing a horn continuously for over 10 seconds (she reversed slowly but nonetheless consistently).


Anyway, faxed MSM the quote on Wednesday and received the cheque today. Not bad service I think you'll agree. Now, I believe Adrian Flux are (occasionally) cheaper than MSM but I'll never deviate from MSM because I know, unlike Flux, Dave really cares about service and this proves it.


Good luck getting yours sorted.


Worcs L7 club joint AO.//Membership No. 4379//Azure Blue SLR No. 0077//Se7ens List Tours


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*thumbdown* ☹️ Sorry to hear the news...


Stu's right - Caterham sell black gel coated nosecones for £116.33 without fittings. Not a bad price really, and probably less than your excess...


Hope to see you Thursday (see Banbury Area post on Chit Chat)



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sforshaw, 7hs,


Oooh! *biggrin* Now that's not a bad price considering it comes from Caterham... *eek*


I do believe I've got a std. black gelcoat jobby - or at least V7 said my wings were gelcoat, and the finish looks the same (and there weren't any scratches from the reversing incident - just crunched fibreglass...)


Hmmm... at that price (*now confirmed*) (and not knowing my excess off the top of my head -150 I think - *now confirmed*), I might be tempted even though the external damage doesn't look *that* bad (internally, it's a mess though).





ps - yep, planning a busy week - should be able to make the Banbury meet as long as the yobs don't cause more trouble - my father had to call the local coppers out at about 5AM this morning - they'd been around all night, but the final straw was when they were heard to shout '...it's a f*cking Caterham 7...' *eek* Shortly before this, I'd heard one of them talking about either himself or his brother being arrested for something recently *eek* *eek* *eek*


No damage or interference though. Then again, it's p*ssing it down - and I'd hoped to spirit it back to its Cheltenham garage until Wednesday 🙆🏻



Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻




Edited by - Myles on 10 Aug 2003 13:03:30

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