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Wanted "Top Tips" for fitting a toneau

Big Brother

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Just about to fit a S/H tonneau cover and want to know if there is anything I should know, before I start punching and drilling holes.


I have an assortment of press stud parts along with a Durable Dot tool, pop rivets and a drillsmile.gif.


Any Top Tips?





cool.gifScream...if you want to go faster!!!id=limegreen> cool.gif

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As for the hood fitting, warm it on a radiator or do it in on a very sunny hot day...depends where in the world you are.....


This will mean it will be a nice tight fit in normal temps. Be sure to stretch it a bit as you fit it and work from the middle poppers out evenly each side.


I find putting a fan heater in the footwell on medium or low setting keeps the heat in the cockpit / cover as you fit it if it is a cold day.


Do not hit the black plastic covered poppers too hard. Many small blows are better or else they can split.

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Re. tonneau.


Make sure it's a warm garage (day is too much to ask for!). I set mine to be really taught. It can be a pain for putting on in winter, but in the warm, barmy summer when the showers catch you out it is fine. The last thing you want is it to billow with the weight of caught water!!!

In this respect it is the across scuttle fitting that is important. The rear poppers (across the top of the rear bulkhead) had to be fitted on raised spacers to clear my full harnesses. I used black rubber 'feet' from the odds bits dept at B & Q. They are normally used to screw onto cabinets etc & are just the correct size.I used long self tappers to fit (also B & Q)

I removed the full 'screen (well laid it down) to get the front scuttle poppers in the right place ie. pulled tight. Two in the middle and two further out on the curvature. Get these right and the rest are easy!!!

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Chris, Hello to you and the lovely SS


The rear poppers (across the top of the rear bulkhead) had to be fitted on raised spacers to clear my full harnesses.


Since we upgraded to F(ull) H(arnesses), we've been unable to do up all of our poppers. Being in the nursery years of our technical knowledge development, perhaps we could 'take a peek' at yours eek.gif sometime question.gif


Un petit repas a quatre chez nous peut etre question.gif


p.s. Sorry, I've just remembered that I haven't sent that clipping from last w/end's paper. I'll post it later, when the rain has stopped sad.gif


FH teeth.gif



Edited by - fullharness on 21 Oct 2001 09:57:01

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