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Fitting SPA Dual oil gauge to k with Apollo


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I've got a SPA dual oil gauge arriving this week for my wet-sump k fitted with an apollo tank.


The gauge apparently comes with its own sensors/senders - all well and good - but I've never tinkered with sensors/senders before.


My car is wet-sumped with an apollo. The apollo has a sensor in it (approx. 1/3rd from bottom) which I take to the the temp sensor.


There is another sensor attached to the oil-filter gubbins under the engine - this is a short, squat cylinder (approx. 2 inches in diameter) and looks like it probably houses a diaphragm. - I guess this is the pressure jobby???


Can anyone confirm what the existing fittings are, what the SPA fittings are, and precisely what adapters I might need. I want this to be a 'measure twice, cut once' kind of a deal *eek* Unusual for me, I know.


Finally, I assume I will have to drain the oil from the engine - this is only 1000 (road) miles old. Will it be OK to pour it back in when all of the fittings are secure???


Thanks and regds,


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Not sure on the fittings of the pressure sender, but the new SPA does temp & Pressure all in one. You could get a remote kit for it to mopunt it away from the filter housing - we did this recently on hoopys car - I'm sure he'll be able to help with more details......



Leave the temp sender in the apollo - it won't matter that it isn't used, except for plugging a hole


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The SPA I got a few weeks ago has separate senders. you'll find the oil pressure one is the wrong thread though. I think Caterham sell a "remove oil pressure kit" which is basically a bit of braided hose with the correct thread for the SPA in one end and screws into the engine at the other....


The SPA has the same thread as the Caterham "VX remote pressure sender" if that helps to deal with the parts department.


you should get away without draining it - just do it cold and be prepared to loose a bit of oil whilst you whip one out, put your finger over the hole, then put the other in.



R706KGU Hoopylight R

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