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Duratec footwell temps -- heat insulation kit

John Vine

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While my engine and gearbox are out, I'm thinking about fitting CC's heat insulation kit to reduce footwell temps.  The car is an R400D S3, and I've already removed the nosecone cowl and wrapped the primaries.  Both of these helped, but I'd like to go further.

Does anyone have any long-term experience with this kit?  Does it work?  Is it worth it?  Can I leave the propshaft in place?  Are there alternatives?

All advice welcomed...


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My 2017 420R S3 is fitted with heat insulation that looks the same as the kit in your link.

I find it very effective. I'd read about problems with footwell heat in Duratec cars before I bought the 420, so I was expecting it to get warm, particularly in hot weather. But in reality it feels very similar to my previous 7. (An 8 valve Vauxhall, that admittedly had no heat insulation fitted!)

If you're experiencing problems with excessive cockpit heat, I'd say it would be worth the investment.

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JV - the insulation does reduce the foot well temperature but by how much is up for conjecture. From experience if the ambient temperature is about 20-22c foot well comfort is OK - gas mark 3

23-25c gas mark 6. 25-30c gas mark 8. 

Touring central France mid summer got a bit uncomfortable !

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Guys. I have a 420R and the heat in the foot wells can be horrid. In the summer, I can't run with the roof on at all. Even with the screen in place against aero makes a huge difference in temp.

So I need to get the temp out of the engine bay.

I have not wrapped my primaries,  that will be this weekends job. But Just checking what I should buy. There's quite a lot of choice out there.

First off, what temp rating should I go to? Ranges from 550C to over 1000C. 25mm or 50mm?

Any recommendations gratefully received.


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Re #14:

I originally used Design 2" in yellow from Demon-Tweeks.  Two 15' rolls were just enough with a 1" overlap, and I secured the ends with locking wire.  I then sprayed them with black silicone.  The smoke when first fired up was impressive!  I think they were rated at up to 650C.

This time, I'm going for the black 2" Pitking, in a 50' roll, with a 1" overlap as before.  I'm not sure what the temp rating is.


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Ok. So I just need the temp. I have some ready to buy but it's rated at 550C constant. So just want to be sure that's ok

A bit of info. I have done a little digging and the internal exhaust temps of a Duratec can be circa 1200 Degs C at peak revs. So the 550C wrap will go brittle and fail to do the job.

The higher the temp rating the better. 


Just bought this stuff. 15M TITANIUM LAVA ROCK EXHAUST WRAP 50mm (870°C) from 'Flame Barrier'. It's quite heavy duty and will be a pig to fit, but looks far more fit for purpose than the DT options. £38 inc 25 SS ties.

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Re #20:   You don't have to but it's probably easier that way.  On an S3 Duratec, it's just possible to remove all the primaries without disturbing the steering column.  I don't know if that's true of an SV.

The method that worked well for me was this:

1. Mount the pipe vertically in a vice, and start at the flange end with well-soaked wrap. 
2. Clamp the first turn with a jubilee clip, and wind the wrap really tight with a 50% overlap.
3. Secure the loose end with locking wire, remove the jubilee clip, and lockwire that end as well. (Stainless ties would work just as well, I imagine.)

No doubt others do it a different way.


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