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Auto Indicators

Steve T

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Has anyone used a Signal Dynamics self cancelling turn signal module before and if so, where did you buy it from ?


I can see them on the US website but cannot find a UK based supplier.


And if you have used one, is it any good ?




190 miles so far and counting !

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...to the point where, when I reviewed my first bit of in-car footage from a trackday, I noticed that I automatically checked the indicators were off coming out of a hairpin!


I didn't really notice myself doing it - just a kind of automatic reaction to winding off a lot of lock... *smile*


Project Scope-Creep is live...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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I have designed and made my own steering-wheel mounted indicator switching circuit which is self-cancelling after a user preset time or by touching the wheel mounted switch a second time.


Also, if you are doing a quick, say, right/left combo turn or vice versa, a touch of the opposite indicator switch will automatically cancel the current indicator and switch on the opposite indicator. It also contains a beeper with adjustable volume control. It's microprocessor controlled so very easy to reprogram for additional/different functions. see my website (click below)


If enough people were interested, I could put a few together for a reasonable price.


I'm also happy to talk anyone through the circuitry that has the knowledge and to sell just the source code if you want to build it yourself. (knowledge of PICs and assembly language required)


Works a treat




Edited to say....PS: it also works with removable steering wheels (as mine is)


2003 1.8K SV 140hp see it here


Edited by - Chris W on 31 Mar 2006 11:45:57

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OK if we can get just a few more people it will be worth doing at a reasonable price. I'll work out the price based on a minimum of 10 people.


I have named the unit "CATFLASH®". It has 8 connections which are really easy to wire up.


(Note: the existing indicator switch can be left in situ or removed completely as desired but will continue to function as per normal if you want a mechanical back-up system).


Full instructions will come with the unit but in essence the connections are simply as follows:


1. +12v


2. Ground


3. one wire to the middle connection of your existing indicator switch


4. one wire to the left hand side connection of your existing indicator switch


5. one wire to the right hand side connection of your existing indicator switch


6. one wire going to one connection of both left and right hand hand steering wheel switches (each switch needs a 1/4" hole in the steering wheel spoke to mount it).


7. one wire to the other connection of the left hand steering wheel switch


8. one wire to the other connection of the right hand steering wheel switch


The kit will include all wiring, switches, full instructions and the CATFLASH® itself. The switch off delay is user selectable from a choice of 15, 25, 35 or 45 seconds. (I can program other values if the concensus want something different). The unit can be cancelled ahead of self-cancelling by a second push of the appropriate steering wheel switch.


The integral buzzer has a volume adjustment and a switch to disable it if no buzzer is required. The whole unit (see my website - click below) is about 4" x 2" x 1" approx and can be double-adhesive taped under the dash.


The main circuit board is a properly etched unit not just a piece of stripboard. I may also offer a reduced price kit of parts for those who are confident about soldering the parts together themselves. The parts kit would of course come with the microprocessor fully programmed and ready to plug into its socket. All ready-built units will be fully tested before despatch.


For those who have a removable (QR) wheel like me, I will provide a simple snap-in connector for the back of the wheel to allow the connecting wires to be disconnected when the wheel is removed.


Any other questions? I'll work out a price over the weekend.




2003 1.8K SV 140hp see it here



Edited by - Chris W on 31 Mar 2006 17:21:28

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Ok, I have worked out a price.


Option 1: £63 for the ready-to-install, fully tested fixed wheel version


Option 2: £68 for the ready-to-install ,fully tested Q/R wheel version.


Option 3: Parts kit for self-build inc fully programmed microprocessor, electronic components, box, switches and etched & drilled board for fixed wheel version £50.


Option 4: as Option 3 but for Q/R wheel version £55.


All options will come with full installation instructions (and building instructions for options 3 & 4).


You must specify which option you require when ordering and I would need £30 up front (cheque) for all options to confirm your order with the balance by cheque prior to shipment.


I estimate it will take about 3-4 weeks to complete and test 10 of them in my spare time but I will send them out on a first come-first served basis as I finish them so if you order earlier you will receive them earlier.


Please don't hesitate to ask any further questions you may have.


You can email me directly on: chris@cwyles.freeserve.co.uk



PS: if you should require just the microcontroller assembly code together with a circuit diagram to be able to source the components yourself, you can have them for £30.


2003 1.8K SV 140hp see it here



Edited by - Chris W on 31 Mar 2006 17:17:23

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What have I started !! Shall we say 10% commission for the opportunity creation 😬


Incidentally, before I read your offer, I bought a SD unit from the states this afternoon 🙆🏻, cost was $69 plus $6.25 P&P but should it fail to arrive then I will have one of yours.









190 miles so far and counting !

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It's microprocessor controlled so very easy to reprogram for additional/different functions

Chris - is it possible to program it such that a single push gives a timed flash, but a longer push gives a continuous flash? This is the system now being used in some tin-tops (including my own) and would help with consistency between vehicles!



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