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About This Group

For Seven owners and enthusiasts in the Bristol & Bath area.
  1. What's new in this group
  2. Morning all – is summer trying to break through? I attended the Club’s ‘Town Hall’ meeting for officers last night and a couple of things you might be interested in are as follows. Love Admin Replacement There is a team making rapid progress on the replacement for the, much maligned, Love Admin system. There will be an article on the matter in a forthcoming edition of Lowflying and you may start to see changes from July this year, with the roll out completed by the autumn – watch this space. Facebook presence: There is a push on to boost the Club’s facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/CaterhamLotusSevenClub/) with Pink Angels now able to post/maintain etc. This relies on content from members to post so please send in suitable material, particularly photos or videos of Caterham related stuff to admin@caterhamlotus7.club or editor@caterhamlotus7.club. Technical Guides: A working group are reviewing the Technical Guides section of the Club’s website (https://www.caterhamlotus7.club/guides/) to both update where required and post new guides. Please take a look at the section and let me have any feedback and ideas for new topics for Technical Guides which I can pass on. Events: Most eyes will now be on preparing for the Taffia Fish & Chip run I’m sure (don’t forget the ongoing fundraising at https://www.justgiving.com/page/julie-wiggins-1702211341014) but there are a few other things going on which I now members are attending such as: Bath Festival of Motoring 17-18 June ‘24 https://www.bathfestivalofmotoring.com/ Middlewick House open garden 8-9 June ’24 https://middlewickhouseopengarden.com/ And of course the restarted Taffia Breakfast on Saturday 4 May ’24 https://www.caterhamlotus7.club/events/event/401-taffia-breakfast/ Please RSVP via this link so Andrew can judge numbers for the table booking. Big Picnic takes place on the 1 June https://www.caterhamlotus7.club/events/event/341-the-big-picnic/ We’ve got the approvals in place too from The Wishing Well for the Weigh Your Car for PCR on the 18 June. Details to follow so please keep an eye on: https://www.caterhamlotus7.club/events/event/370-severn7s-pub-meet-plus-weigh-your-car-for-pcr/ Have you also bought your raffle tickets for the Supercar Fest yet? https://www.caterhamlotus7.club/news/charity/charity-raffle-your-chance-to-experience-supercar-heaven-r652/ Can I also take this opportunity to repeat two items from my post in March, on the subject of the WhatsApp Group ‘rules’ and the need for Volunteers; please take the time to read what follows: WhatApp: Whilst the ‘Seven7s’ and other Area WhatApp groups are not an official Club communication channel, it is recognised that they are popular way of communicating, although hopefully the new website will take over in large part. To ensure they remain a safe space, there has been some discussion at Club level about guidance around the WhatsApp group which Areas might adopt, taking a lead from Rule of Conduct which apply to BlatChat. Slightly adjusted for a WhatsApp group they would read: “By using the Area WhatsApp you agree not to: Post insulting, threatening or defamatory material. Post any material likely to cause undue annoyance, provocation, upset or embarrassment to any reasonable person. Use this forum to harass anyone, including but not limited to posting personal or private information and images. Reproduce, without permission, private emails, or other forms of private correspondence. Post material or links to material that may be considered pornographic, violent, racist, sexist, voyeuristic or unlawful, or which may otherwise be judged to be offensive. Repeatedly posting commercial adverts for your own commercial gain. Occasionally reminding members that you offer a service in response to a relevant discussion is appropriate. Repeated or unsolicited posts are not. Impersonate another Club member. Posting content on this forum that personally attacks another forum member or contains profanity or any type of racial, religious, gender-based or ethnic slur will result in immediate removal from this WhatApp group. You are also reminded that posting material that infringes copyright or other intellectual property rights is against WhatsApp terms and conditions. Whilst WhatsApp is a semi-private platform, you are advised not to name companies or individuals in relation to allegations or accusations of malpractice, fraud or other criminal or civil offences. If you have a complaint about a product or service provided by a company or a person please take this up with them directly. And remember that what you post can be copied and sent to the person/company.” Hopefully, nothing in here anyone could object to? The other aspect to be aware of is that some non-Club members may be on the WhatsApp groups, although if that is the case hopefully, they see the value and join the Club. It would be ideal if the WhatsApp group is ‘members only’ of course. I would also add that the Area WhatsApp is not externally moderated. Volunteers – Your Club Needs You! The operation of the Club cannot happen without a willing group of volunteers to fill the various roles. If you can help, contact Richard via chair@caterhamlotus7.club to discuss suitable roles. The Taffia AR role really needs to be filled for one thing! Right - better get back to work... Jon
  3. Good turn out last night for the April Severn7s pub meeting - it was good to have the first opportunity of the year for some proper tyre kicking chat in the car park and also the chance to compare headlights (!) from standard through various LED options - quite interesting the differences. I'll find out from Andrew W if a new venue for the Taffia Breakfast has been found yet and circulate details. The May Severn7s pub meeting will be on Tuesday 21 May - I will send a link out the week beforehand for you to pre order food; that seems to be working well for us and the pub. It will be a chance to swap 'Taffia Fish & Chip Run' stories no doubt. The June Severn7s pub meeting will be on Tuesday 18 June. Subject to a final check with the Landlord of The Wishing Well, the hope is that at this June meeting we can offer local members the chance to 'Weigh Your Car For PCR'. John Martin will be bringing along his corner scales and for a modest donation to PCR (£tbc) you will be able to weigh your car to see how close it is to the published Caterham figures (and to see if all that carbon actually makes a difference?). Further details to follow once it's all confirmed but please save the date. For now, here's a few photos from last night... (photo credits to John Martin and Chris Bates)
  4. Hi all - next Seven7s pub meeting 16 April. As we know The Wishing Well want us to order food in advance given its a big group for them, but I'm away until the day before so won't be around to chivvy up the orders. Can you therefore fill in on this Google Form any food you want to order and I can send this to the pub the day before? https://forms.gle/4nQNYPnyezJW3aRR6 Menu .pdf
  5. Same plea as always. Please can we use Signal rather than WhatsApp. The security model is better and WhatsApp is owned by Meta/Facebook which refuses to regulate its behaviour appropriately. Jonathan
  6. That's a great summary, and an excellent habit. Thankyou. Discussion here, including my reasons for not signing it: Jonathan
  7. Morning Severn7s…yes, it’s still raining… I attended the Officer’s Town Hall meeting last night with the Club’s LT and there are a number of updates from this which I thought you may find of interest. Firstly, Martin Phipps (Club Treasurer and Caterham Archivist) gave a report about the excellent progress being made with Caterham’s new factory at Dartford X. It sounds like it’s going to be a great facility which will include a parts shop and a viewing area so you can see the factory floor in action - first staff move in on the 2 April ’24, and other departments following through April. There will be a grand opening event in late May/early June – date to be confirmed so watch this space. Martin also ran through some staff changes at Caterham as follows: Ralph Jenner Global Head of Sales Olivier Jouanne European Sales Justin Gardner Asia Sales Simon Lambert Responsible for Marketing at Board level and Motorsport Ali McColl Global Head of Marketing George Campbell Head of Engineering/Technical reporting directly to Bob Laishley. The Kennet Road parts sale is still proposed for the 20 April ‘24. Parking in the area is limited so attendees will be encouraged to visit, buy, then depart. If you are going, can you let me know so we can try and co-ordinate car sharing? Drift Days: Caterham have offered two more Club Exclusive dates: Donnington 18 Sept 2024 Brands Hatch 23 October 2024 Details will be announced shortly and once released, booking will be via the Pink Angels office, 01873 777304 or admin@caterhamlotus7.club. 2024 Speed Championship: Have you thought about doing this? I am told it is possible to sign up to only one or both of the Curborough events as a taster and still remain a Novice for the following year. This might be a good way to ‘dip your toe’ in the Speed Championship waters? Let me know if you are interested and I will pass your details to the Speed Championship team. Charity Matters: If you are doing the Taffia Fish & Chip run, please don’t forget that fundraising for PCR is ongoing at: https://www.justgiving.com/page/julie-wiggins-1702211341014 with current fundraising standing at £735 against a target of £5,000. Hopefully you saw the email sent last week seeking support for a signing petition re a national prostate cancer testing programme. Have you considered signing it? I just have… https://act.prostate-cancer-research.org.uk/a/manifestos?mc_cid=e0729d9793&mc_eid=3a3e96df61 Raffle tickets for the Supercar Fest Show remain on sale here: https://www.caterhamlotus7.club/news/charity/charity-raffle-your-chance-to-experience-supercar-heaven-r652/. I know date clashes with the F&C Run but then its not really about the ticket, more about the fundraising and it is only a tenner… The Big Picnic takes place on the 1 June: https://www.caterhamlotus7.club/events/event/341-the-big-picnic/ Do sign up for this excellent National Event. WhatApp: Whilst the ‘Seven7s’ and other Area WhatApp groups are not an official Club communication channel, it is recognised that they are popular way of communicating, although hopefully the new website will take over in large part. To ensure they remain a safe space, there has been some discussion at Club level about guidance around the WhatApps which Areas might adopt, taking a lead from Rules of Conduct which apply to BlatChat. Slightly adjusted for a WhatsApp group they would read: “By using the Area WhatsApp you agree not to: Post insulting, threatening or defamatory material. Post any material likely to cause undue annoyance, provocation, upset or embarrassment to any reasonable person. Use this forum to harass anyone, including but not limited to posting personal or private information and images. Reproduce, without permission, private emails, or other forms of private correspondence. Post material or links to material that may be considered pornographic, violent, racist, sexist, voyeuristic or unlawful, or which may otherwise be judged to be offensive. Repeatedly posting commercial adverts for your own commercial gain. Occasionally reminding members that you offer a service in response to a relevant discussion is appropriate. Repeated or unsolicited posts are not. Impersonate another Club member. Posting content on this forum that personally attacks another forum member or contains profanity or any type of racial, religious, gender-based or ethnic slur will result in immediate removal from this WhatApp group. You are also reminded that posting material that infringes copyright or other intellectual property rights is against WhatsApp terms and conditions. Whilst WhatsApp is a semi-private platform, you are advised not to name companies or individuals in relation to allegations or accusations of malpractice, fraud or other criminal or civil offences. If you have a complaint about a product or service provided by a company or a person please take this up with them directly. And remember that what you post can be copied and sent to the person/company.” Hopefully, nothing in here anyone could object to? The other aspect to be aware of is that some non-Club members may be on the WhatsApp groups, although if that is the case hopefully, they see the value and join the Club. It would be ideal if the WhatsApp group is ‘members only’ of course. Volunteers – Your Club Needs You! The operation of the Club cannot happen without a willing group of volunteers to fill the various roles. If you can help, contact Richard via chair@caterhamlotus7.club to discuss suitable roles. The Taffia AR role really needs to be filled for one thing!
  8. A very informative day at the British Motor Museum at Gaydon for the Club's Officers, including a presentation from Prostate Cancer Research at the Club's Charity and a session to learn more about the new Club Website from Simon Houghton - General Secretary.
  9. Did it Friday. We had much better weather. It did however, rain quite hard as we started the final run through the big course. The dramatic reduction in grip from what we’d gotten used to made it tricky. It’s a good day and I’m glad I did it, although a bit less standing around and waiting would be preferable. All the Caterham team were great - very helpful. Bob L even popped by late morning to say hello.
  10. I and about 25 or so other Club members were at the Caterham Drift Experience Day yesterday at Brands Hatch. The rain was, to put it mildly, biblical for much of the day but despite that the CC guys put on a fabulous day. It was great fun, and quite educational too in terms of how to get the car sideways with (some...) control. All the cars we drove were 360 SV's and to make drifting easier they have the front ARB removed, run alot of rake (high at the back) with scrubbed Avon ZZRs at the front and narrow Academy ZT7 tyres at the rear. If you ever get the chance to do one of these days I would thoroughly recommend it. There is another 'Club Exclusive' day coming up on 8 May '24 at Donnington - I don't know if its full yet but worth asking if you are interested; booked via Pink Angels (admin@caterhamlotus7.club). The Caterham Experience team know there is local demand for one of these days if they can find a venue in our patch, and a slot in their calendar, so I will continue to push that. I attach a few photos from the day plus a of videos of some proper 'cone abuse' ...not me driving in that video I hasten to add. VID-20240223-WA0001.mp4
  11. I hope you have all seen the Area 'write-up' in this month's Lowflying? Michael Calvert (LF Editor) is intending to run a series on each of the Areas and as we are top in alphabetical order got to go first - hopefully I didn't write anything too silly? If my maths is right, it'll be Feb 2029 by the time he gets round to the Bristol/Bath Area again - I wonder what we will all be driving then? Of more immediate interest is a reminder that the next Severn7s pub meeting is on Tuesday 20 Feb '24 at The Wishing Well. Fingers crossed for the weather so maybe a few Sevens will break out of winter hibernation?

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