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The Supercar Event - In Aid of The Children's Trust



A couple of days before, I took a look at the rear shocks, to see if I could raise the back to maintain ground clearance. It turned out that the difference between the highest setting on the lower groove and the lowest setting on the upper groove was over a cm - so I put that idea to bed and lowered the front a couple of turns!

Waking up at 6:30am, I looked out the window and almost called in sick. Finally getting on the road at 7:15am, with the rain coming down, I'd reached the M25 before I realised I'd forgotten to print out my ticket. A quick stop at Clacketts and I managed to pull it up on my iphone - fingers crossed that would be acceptable!

After stopping a couple more times to check my progress against the map, I finally made it to Dunsfold - wet, cold, and relieved - aquaplaning around motorways with nothing but brooklands screens for protection is not fun!

After the drivers briefing, we were allowed to have a little practive. My first run saw me spinning on the damp airfield surface, approaching the barriers alarmingly quickly!

James then kindly gave me his rears in return for my fronts, which saw us both running CR500s up front and ZV3s in the rear - an ideal combination! This gave me some much needed grip , and this really came into it's own by about 11am when the track dried out after the rain ceased, and the wind and sun worked together to dry us out.

The first victims arrived at 9:30am, and from then on we had a steady stream of customers until the end of the day at 4:30pm!

Everyone who took a ride had a great time, enjoying the noise, speed and sideways action that our fun little cars provide in spades! We had people who wanted more, and first timers who wanted to know what all the fuss was about; we also had those that wanted as much noise and silliness as possible, and those that just wanted a quick spin with no donuts; kids and grown ups, men and women, all rolled up to don a helmet and go crazy for a few minutes!

One passenger thought the fact that I had overcooked a couple of turns and spun off towards the barriers backwards was the best thing he'd ever done! Another squealed her way around the course, drowning out the engine and tyre noise! And one chap was there for his birthday, and was getting his fill of sports cars.

By the end of the day, we had given 196 rides between us, and raised nearly £3k for charity. With 200 rides the day before, our contribution was pushing £6k - and a few quid collected from the donut course, no doubt plucked from an unwilling victim's pocket as they spun around the cone!

And talking of the cone, R.I.P. - it suffered quite a bruising, and was held together by hope by the end of the day.

There weren't too many dramas, and on the whole the cars performed well. Poor Dave's Fury srung an oil leak at the cam cover, spraying oil over the exhaust manifold and producing spectacular flames! The passenger wasn't expecting that... The Fury made it home after a little nipping up of the bolts, though. And poor Chaz was out of action after only 2 hours, when his A-frame bush seemingly disappeared! He went home on a flatbed.

Talloulah developed an annoying fault... When hot, she wouldn't start, sounding like the battery was failing. Suspecting battery or alternator, I got a push for a bump start (I wasn't the only one that day!) but letting it cool seemed to do the trick. I will check all the connections when I get a chance, but the first job is to clean the car, as it's filthy!

All in all, a brilliant day, and well worth the drive in the pouring rain to get there. Everyone had a great time, and for a great cause too.



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