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Yes - bought my first car



Well after 2 big drives to get to PTsportscars, i have bought a car and am really happy and excited about it although, it would be great to sleep well again. This is not out of worry or nerves, its out of proper excitement. I mean that real childish excitment. I didn't know it was possible to still feel like that.

I have been amazed by the help from members. A couple of phone calls of over an hour with owners, who previously i had not heard of never mind met.

I then traveled from Settle in the Dales to Winsor via Doncaster area to meet a member and look at his car. Overnighting near to Oxford with friends i arrived at PT the next day to drive a Sigma. Turning left out of their entrance, i drove 20m to the traffic lights and said to Ian "crikey its good being in a seven" or words to that effect. I think that the Sigma is much quieter than the K 1600 SS that i have been used to. It didn't stir the emotions as the K does but i reckon it could be better to live with. Anyway by the end of the drive i was quite un-moved by the car. It was ok, it was nice being in the fresh air but it didn't emote me in the same way so i left it. I then went to see another generous member over in Essex. I arrived after tea time and in the dark to look at his Sigma. What a difference a coat of paint makes! He generously took me out in a K1.6 SS and once again that familiar feeling returned. The "i want one of these" feelings.

Returning home to Low Flying, You Tube and dreams i struggled with the concerns of whether i , and my neighbours, can cope with such a noisy machine on a day to day basis. I also genuinely want to use it with the other half.I then saw that there was a VCT at PT that i hadn't looked at. Could i really cope with another drive down there. Another member called endorsing Ian and i booked to go and see it but having run for 2 hours on the fells i was tired and cancelled. Realising my error i travelled down the following day which was the day before yesterday.

To be honest i liked it even whilst it was just ticking over, an ex race car with a bashed front nose, no lights, no screen. I can't describe why it felt right, it was like buying a house and not just in money, i just knew it was right for me. But for those iin the same dilemma i will say that the engine sounds different and the car drives differently to that of the Sigma. I bought it.

So to my mate Roger Callister, you were right as he told me just to drive a few and buy the one i like. True enough that is what it came down to.

I met Rog in the 90's and would read Low Flying  when he lived near to Swindon. I then drove his x flow when he lived in northern italy and spent some hours with the club mag again. Everytime i would feel the same and desperately wanted a Seven. But without a garage or to be honest any money i just was not prepared to go into debt for the 'want'. So now i have an endowment that will finish this spring that is funding this car [not immediatley Ian, i do have some money]. It was hard paying £47 a month in the early years and my budget was tight even to the extent of no pubs for a couple of months. I was saying this to the salesman at Oakmere and afterwards realised that to some it sounds ridculous as they may spend that amount on Sky or a phone. Well in my time we were told we could buy a house with it. Which was wrong by the way which is why the savings are now there for a car.

Many thanks to all so far. Now my own chapter can start - well it can when the car is ready.

See you out there. - Rich - fully endorsing Ian


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