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Dunsfold Handling Day



 The day started well, I woke up, packed the car, dragged my guest driver out of bed and hit the road. About half an hour later, I realised we'd forgotten the sandwiches that SWMBO had very kindly made us, and the pump! At least someone would have a pump at the event, but no one could replace the sandwiches...!

It then went a little bit wrong, as, in my tiredness, I had decided that (although I know Dunsfold is near Gatwick) the best way to get there was down the M3 and not the A3. Fortunately we made it just in time for the drivers breifing, got our wristbands, and made all the necessary adjustments (which basically involved checking there was still fluid in the right places, taking everything out, and putting air back in the front right, which I remembered I had used for an ezibleed about 4 weeks ago... oops!).

After letting my guest driver get a feel for it on the runway, I let him loose on the 0-60 - disaster! Missed gears and loads of wheelspin! Never mind, have another go... Same again, but with less wheelspin. He decided that it was too much pressure trying to change gear quickly, so had a go on the slalom, and enjoyed that much better, especially after my run when Ray at the 'garage' remarked that there was a second gear if I wanted to go faster...


While my guest did his best to understeer and oversteer his way around the slalom course trying to make as much noise as possible, I booked a go on the Top Gear Circuit. My guest didn't want to give it a go (nerves perhaps?) so it was all on me... My first time driving a track in my own car and I was in all honesty a tad nervous.

Mark G was the pace car, driving Angus & Tessa's 7, and I was directly behind him, praying he didn't go as mad as Angus appears to in his photos! On the ZV3 widowmakers, I'd have no chance of keeping up...

The first lap was pretty relaxed, and I got a good feel for the circuit, and it was certainly useful following someone who knew what they were doing so I could get the right lines (that was the theory, at least, I doubt I got a single corner right!!!). The second and third laps were a little more spirited and I'm embarrassed to say I lifted at the tyre wall... It's scary!!! They were over too soon, and I trundled back to the paddock wanting more! My guest enjoyed it too, with frequent thumbs up all the way round.

After a few more slalom runs and 0-60s, I was determined to prove that a non-LSD car could do donuts... And failed! I just about managed 3/4 of a donut, but it was a very big one, with no opposite lock. Bouncing off the rev limiter and going around in circles resulted in a little tapping from the top end, but that went away after a few seconds once the oil started getting back up to the top again!


The morning session was over too soon, but I'd felt I'd done enough - there's only so much you can take, and the bacon butty I had was trying to make a reappearance everytime my guest drove!

After quickly showing off the brooklands aero to Phil, who is also after a set, we headed home, tired, filthy, and with massive grins on our faces!

Massive thanks to the organisers, and I look forward to seeing how much we raised for such worthy causes, the Surrey Air Ambulance, and the Henry Surtees Foundation.


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