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Talloulah is now leak free!



One evening last week I decided that it was time to get the front crank seal sorted. With the 2CV off the road as well, I was without motorised transport and relying on my trusty single speed mountain bike.

Everything came off quite easily, even the crank pulley! No screwdrivers required this time!

On removing the pulley, it was immediately clear where the leak was coming from. A lip of seal was protruding, and, on removing the old seal, it was well and truly mashed.

So in with the new seal! It went home a little way quite easily, and I spent the next couple of hours tapping it home ever so carefully. I gave up when it resolutely refused to go in any more, not quite flush with the pump body. It is in nice and tight though, so unlikely to go anywhere.

I fired the car up, let it warm up a bit and took her for a spin! Mega oil pressure, 60 PSi all the time on throttle, and yep, no leaks!

Still the minor problem of the overheating, and I think some more brake bleeding is required, but I'm almost there now!


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