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Front Suspension contined....



After a quite a bit of searching in local shops I bought some 10mm grommets for the headlight brackets. I'm in two minds whether it is worth it though. The cables are already sheathed and I don't think they would wear though.

Things I have learnt today...

  • Holts rubber and nylon lubricant is useful to help get the headlight cables threaded through the brackets (and cursed grommet)
  • silicone sealant is unsuitable for fixing IVA trim around indicators, but locktite superglue works a treat. (I don't think I'll use it on paintwork though)
  • fixing IVA trim around upper wishbone holes seems to be worth doing before fitting the wishbone. It looks difficult to do once the headlamp bracket and wishbone are in.

Tomorrow I'll put the dampers in, hopefully.

(NB advice from me maybe crap - first time I've done this)


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Hey you're doing great, I've ordered my 160 3 weeks ago, should be sometime in July - no previous experience on my part so all advice welcome *thumbup* 

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Welcome to the club, Juls. There's a handful of us here with 160s on order. Mine arrives in March...

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  • Leadership Team

Yes, welcome to the club Juls. Building it certainly makes you think but is very satisfying. The benefit of a later 160 that us guinea pigs will find the snags.



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